Republican Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

NO. 45 NASHVILLE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1856. Valuable Cotton and Woolen Factory NOTICE. gqblitint Setter anir SStJig, PUBLISHED DAILY, TBI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY BY W. F.


HARRIS. J. ROBERTB. Ohice No. 13 Dbaskhick Btkext.

SAJLE OF PCIIXIC CJUVlvS. THERE will be a sale of PUBLIC LAHDStntht county of Dunklin, Mbsourl.on the SOtfc day of March, IBM. The undersigned tenders bis services as an sgfcnt for. tht purpose of selecting, locating and pnrcbasinc lands. Be would say to the mblte that Usthoroos sraslntaoce witt) the country enables' him to be of great service to those wbe wish to purchase land In this very desirable' country.

W. HornersvUJe, Dunklin Me. it Gen. N.W.WatlUnv Jackson, Me. -Hon.

H. Hough, Charleston Hon. A. Cape Glrardeaa City, Bfe. Col.

H. H. Bedford, Bloomfietd, Mo.Y Ool. B. Hatcher, New Madrid, Dr.

A. A. Podirett, HomerrriOe, CoLW. F.roherty,liinston,Teiuv, lev.AshlyB. RomU, NaahvUIe, Ma, James Herrine ClarksvuTe, Robt-D.


2m. ii. jTuagiuuu, ueopoii.TCU, BOWEL DISEASES! DYSENTERY. DIABBHffiA, ALSO, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO MANY DISEASES OF FEMALES, MOST ESPECIALLY PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. The Virtues of Jacob's Cordial are too well known to require Encomiums.

COMMERCIAL HOTEL. CORNER OF QIBOS AND NEW NEW ORLEANS, F. K. TTTOULD most respectfully Inform the traveller publl vv that he has taken the above named HOTEL. THE HOXBL bas recently undergone a taoroefh re- and renovation, and has been fitted np with new and elegant furniture, carpeting, Ac, e.

The Proprietor will pay every care and attention lo the of the boarders. The table will be supplied with the best the markets afford. This Hotel belngsltnated In the Immediate vicinity of the business part or the city, as well as being convenient to the Steamboat Landing. The Proprietor hopes that by strict attention to the wants of his patrons to receive that liberal patronage that baa ever been bestowed opon this house. Price of Board per day gl oo.

The Bar will be stocked with Wines and Liquors Inferior to no other house In the city. A good Lunch will be set from 10 to la A. M. obliging and accoimnodatlng 1. It cures the worst cases of Hiarrhcea.

2. Jt cures the worst forms of Dysentery. 8. Jt cure California or Mexican Diarrhoia. 4.

It relieves the severest Colic, ft. Tf mivBB Oh arn XCnvltiia 6. It cures Cholera Infantum. A few Short Extract from I have used Jacob's Cordial In my family, and have -r- found It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordiai my own personal experience, and the experience of my neiehbors and friends around me. is a sufficient guai an tee for me to believe it to be ail that ft purports to be, vix: a sovereign remedy." ua.

wui, iuhushj nuugo uierior vuun, uuerunee Lfircuu. I take great pleasure in recommending this invaluable medicine to alt afflicted with bowel diseases for which I be- i. v. AAAtt ciinurinr tn nnvtTitnir clfip pppp triotl hv A 1 fl A TTT.T1TV1 THE business heretofore conducted by the subscribers under the firm of Snow, Mackenzie A will be nereaiter camea on oy mem unaer tne nnn and style of MACKENZIE WILSON. All persons indebted to the late firm are requested to pay up with out delay as further Indulgence cannot pos- J.

W. WILSON. MACKENZIE WILSON A RE making arrangements to extend the manufacture XX ol tneir wrought iron stove "The TenneaseLd." The popular stove or the South and South-west. Orders, compeueu io lay over, can now oe speeany nuea. Roofing Guttering Tre out door work, comprising all Tin and Copper Work connected with dweillug houses, public buildiugs, Ac.

is placed under the entire superintendance of Mr. W. W. Jones, late of Louisville. By this arrangement, all work of the above description entrusted to us will be finished as well as it can be dona in the Eastern cities and at the lowest possible rates.

Tin and Copper Rnofs are warranted for five years te perfectly water-tight and we respectfully re(er to the rooi oi ine rirsi rresoyienan utiurcn, one of the largest roots in meciiy. wince nas not lenKea a single drop since it was put on a law unpreceuentea in me annals or roofing in Tennessee. Tinware. Our Tinware is made by the best Mechanics that can be iouna anu oi tne oest and heaviest material. Castings.

The best Pittsburg Castings always on hand and at the lowest prices. Cant Iron Stores We have on hand at all times a lareer stock of hnth Cooking and Heating Stoves than any other house in the city, anu are determine a not to be undersold. Grates. We have on hand a laree stock of Drawinc-Room. Parlm and Office Grates, from the best manufactures East and est.

House Furnishing- Goods. Our assortment is varied, and comprises manv articles es sential to house-keeping, all for sale at the lowest price for casn, or to punctual customers. All work entrusted to us will be executed with nramnf. ness and despatch, and we hope to receive a share of public MACKENZIE WILSON. Nashville, Jan.


Ko. 55 College Street, corner of Broad, WHERE all kinds ol light and heavy Car- riace renairinc will beoromntlvattended to, and as for price, I will endeavor to satisfy all who try me. I have also some Buggies of my own manufacture, that I warrant as good as any in the market. I will sell on leason aoic terms, call and see me. jy 4 6m COACH AND CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY-S.

K. CROOIiSHAMv AT THE OLD STAND OF FRED. SLOAN, Ko. G9. Lowit Inrket Street NASHVILLE, HAVING procured the best class or workmen, and added every facility GcfcIi-V' necessary for the successful prosecution of their business, invite the attention of the nubtic eeuerullv to their Establishment.

Thev have m- hand a great variety of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. Ac. the latest styles, which they believe are not inferior in fa ion or nmsn to any in the country. All orders with its win meetwun prompt attention. Repairing done to order.

New work warranted. Nashville, July 25, 1S55. tf. Nashville Academy of Music BIS EM EXT STORV OF THE CHRISTIAN CDCBCB, CHERRY STREET. PRINCIPALS CHARLES HESS HENRY WEBER.

DEPARTMENTS. The svstem of instruction adopted' for this Academy is the same as that pursue! in the Royal Academy in Paris, and comprises five Departments, vir: PRIMaR FRESHMAN. SOPhom*oRE, JUNIOR, and SENIOR; to which is added a RECAPITULATION DEPARTMENT, designed for those who intend to adopt MUSIC as a Profession. TERMS PER SESSIOy. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, $20 00 Five lessons a week, one daily, Saturday excepted.

FRESHMAN DEPARTMENT, 00 Four lessons a week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. SOPhom*oRE DEPARTMENT S0 00 Three lessons one week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday the succeeding week Tuesday and Thursday. JUNIOR DEARTMENT $85 GO Lessons same in number and in days as in the Sopho-moie Department. SENIOR DEPARTMENT, $40 00 Two lessons a week, Monday and Thursday. RECAPITULATION DEPARTMENT $60 00 Lessons daily, Saturday excepted.

In all of the foregoing Departments, the Piano and Guitar are the only instrument taught. EXTRAS. Instruction on the Harp, two less, a week, per $45 00 inocalization, 20 00 Italian style, 45 00 41 to classes of gentleman on the Vioiin, Flute, Clarionet, Ac, two evenings a week 00 All tuition fee3 due on the entrance of the pupil. One lesson a week in Sacred Music given to all pupils freo of charge. V7.

No charge will be made for the use of Instruments. Music and Music Books furnished gratis to the pupils, who will be permitted to retain them ue their own property at the close of the session, i Pupils will be received at any time, and charged from the period they enter to the close of the "session. The attendance of pupils will be required during the lesson only. The Academic Year will be divided into two sessions the one commencing on the2ndMouday in Septembarar. closing on the last Friday in January, the other commencing on the 1st Monday in February and closing on the Sru Friday in June.

63" Pupils intrusted to their care shall receive close attention, and if unwearied assiduity on the part of the instructors can avail, they shall not fail to attain the elevated standard of proficiency to which they may aspire. Application to be made at the Academy. Sept. 30 tf GREATEST ATTRACTION YET W. A.

J. G. M'CLELLAND ARE receiving their Second Supply of Elegant Fall and Winter Goods, and as many of these Goods have been bought from the large Auction Sales of Oct. and 31st, in New York, ws are enabled to offer many goods fully Fifty per cent, cheaper than they can be found in the city. Merchants buying Goods in the city, will find many styles of Silks and other Dress Goods, Cloaks, at lower prices than they, can find them elsewhere.

Dress Goods. Rich, Plain and Striped Moire Antiques; Plaid and Striped Silks; Elegant Flounced do, Super Plain do; Rich Checked do; Extra Super BlTc Silks, plain and fancy; Moire Antiques; Rich Printed M. De Lanes, Super Plain DeLanes and Merino es; Bl'kAlpacras, Bombazines, Ac, 4c. Cloaks. Talmas, Shawls and Scarfe, Just opened the largest assortment of Cloaks and Talmas ever offered in this city, and at low prices ranging from $2 to $40.

Elegant Stella Shawls; Rich Broche do, Scarfs; With a large assortment of Elegant Long Shawls, Square do, Misses Long and Square Shawls, and Gents Travelling-Shawls. Staple Goods, Our Stock of Staple Goods is very large and desirable. Blankets, FI mnelE, Cassinetts, Jeans, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tickings, Linceys, Domestics Super Irish Linens, Damask Linens, Napkins, Prints and full assortment of Curtain Goods, 4c. IMmmings, A large Stock of Trimmings of all kinds; Also a large lot of Ribbons just received. Hosiery and Gloves.

We have the Best Stock of Woolen Hosiery ever offered in this market, for Ladies, Misses and Children, "as well as for Gentlemen, so prepare yourselves and the! children for the Winter at. --M'CLELLAND'S -Nov. 18. 1 Store, 51 4 53, College Street VALUABLE LANDS FOtt SALE -H ERANKL1N ONE Tract, containing ELEVEN HUNDRED 4 EIGHTY-SEVEN ACRES; about one hundred and fifty acres cleared, good dwelling-house and out houses, three miles north-west of Winchester, lying on both sides of Elk River. There is a good Flour and Grist Mill also a Saw Mill on the The water power is sufficient to turn 20,000 cotton spindles all the year round.

The Mill is less than two miles to Deery's Depot on the N. and C. Railroad within fifty yards of the dwelling house is a never-failing. Spring of freestone water. A beautiful location for residences for both jn-npriutor and operatives for a large Manufacturing Establishment The terms are favorable.

Applv to FRANCIS 4 McGEHEE, ug. 2. Real Estate Agents, at Winchester, Tenn. ALSO, A Tract of Land four miles from Winchester, on the McMlnnvllle road, containing 175 acres, a comfortable dwelling house, and good out houses. Seventy-five acres ct eared and under good fence; about one mile and ahalf from Decherd Depot; two good wells of water, and a sufficiency of good.

water to keep np the place. Terms very favorable. Apply to FRANCIS 4 McGHEEE, ang 2 Real Estate Agents, Winchester, Tenn. We Ha.Y for Sale, several other Tracts of Land, which will be shown to persons desiring to purchase, application to FRANCIS 4 McGEUEE, Augusts. Estate Agents, Winchester, Tann.

FOR SALE. PURSUANT to a Decree of the Chancery Court at Pulaski, in the cause of A. M. Ballentihe, adm'r. vs.

Mar garetJ. and Willie T. Mason, the undersigned commissioners will sell at public Sale on the premises on the first Monday in March next, (unless sooner disposed of) the Stock owned by Wm. T. Mason, deceased, In the Richland Manufacturing Company, Cotton and Woolen Factory, being about nine-tenths of the capital stock in said Company and amounting to over thirty-three thousand dollars.

The residue of stock can be purchased of the owners on reasonable terms. The Mills run 1600 Spindles aud 46 Looms. Woolen department complete, connected with which is a Cotton Gin, Machine Shop, Two Large Brick Boarding Houses. The whole concern Is comparatively new and is now In very successful op eration, propelled by Steam Power. The above Mills are situated in the vicinity of Pulaski in the midst of the finest cotton growing sections of Middle Tennessee.

A large proportion of the cotton used can be purchased in the Betd and Gined at the Factory. The above Stock wUI be sold on. most advantageous terms, offering inducements to men of enterprise rarely ever met witlu Persons wishing to purchase are requested to cal. and examine the Mills. A.

M. BALLENTINE, Dec. 22 eoAw to 1st March JAMES McCOLLUM. NOTICE. THE copartnership of Perkins, Campbell 4 of this city, is this day dissolved by mutal consent, either of the copartners having the use of the name of the firm In liquidation.

W. M. PERKINS, W. B. CAMPBELL, New Orleans, Dec.

6, 1S55. SAM'L. P. WALKER. In retiring from the Commission Business we return our thanks to our friends and patrons, and cheerfully recommend our successor and late partner, W.

M. Pereinu, as altogether worthy of their confidence and patronage. W. B. CAMPBELL.

SAM'L P. WALKER. The General Commission Business hereto'ore conducted by Pebkins, Campbell 4 will be continued without interruption by M. Perkiss, under the style of Dec. IS, 1S55.

Ieo4wly PERKINS 4C0. Xoficc to Stockholders. Office Nashville Noam Westers R. R. CO.

I AashcMe, Bee. 8, 1S55. THE following calls on Stockholders were made at a meeting of the Board of Directors on the 1st instant: Ten per cent, on 1st January, 1S56. Ten do 31st Ten do 1st March Ten do 1st pri Which calls are due and payable at the office of the Company. Interest will be allowed fornre-navment.

and Stock-hold ers will invariably be sued when delinquent. By order of tne uoaru. Dec. 4 tf. H.

L. CLAIBORNE, Tr, Xotlce off stockholders Office Nashville 4 North Western, R- R. CO. XashvUle, Dec. 8, 1S55.

Resolved. bi the Board of Directors. That ten mtr cent calls be made on the 1st and 31st Jnnn- ary, the 2nd March, the 1st April, the 1st May, the 1st June, the 1st July, the 1st Aucust. the 1st September and the 1st October, 1856, on all stock rendered absolute by the location of our Depot in the city of Nashville, on Bishop allies' property, Market Street. All persons payinc before the calls are due.

will be al lowed interest thereon. It Is hoped that Stockholders will call at the office of the Comnanv. whers the calls art puyaote. uyoraeroi tne uoard. uec 4 tf II.

L. CLAIBORNE. Tr. FOR Philadelphia, New Fork, SAVANNAH AXD CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINES. The well-known first class Steamships KEYSTONE STATE, CAPTAIN R.

HARDIE, STATE OF GEOEGIA, CAPTAIN J. J. GARVIN, Will hereafter form a WEEKLY LINE to PHILADEL PHIA, sail ine Everv Saturday alternately from SAVANNAH and CHARLESTON as follows: The Kbtstoxe State will sail from SA ANNAH the fol lowing Saturdays January 19th, February 2d and 16th, March 1st, 15th and 29th. Leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. The State of Georcia will sail from CHARLESTON the following Saturdays January 26th, Februarj 9th and 23d, March Sth and 22d.

Leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. In strength, speed and accomodations, these ships are fully equal to any running on the coast. Inland navigation. 100 miles on Delaware River and Bay: two nights at sea. Cabin Passage, with State Room accommodations ana tne nest or tare, fan irom eitner ron.

ereerage $3. Agents at rmiaueipnia, ubttun a Agent at Savannah, O. A. REINER. Jan.

9 3m. AUCTION COMMISSION AND GENERAL AGENCY. BEN J. P. SHIELDS, WILL make sales for Trustees, Assignees and others who may wish to sell goods, wares and merchandise at Auction without reserve, for cash.

If on time the same to take the paper received. No goods sold atpublic auction with limits. Proceeds of all sales paid over within three days after sales. Consienments for private sale held subject to instructions. Arrangements made for liberal advances on Invoices of any note.

P. c. No goods bought or sold on my own account. BEN J. F.

SHIELDS, Gen'l. Agent. Jan. 15. No.

42, Public Square. Land Warrants. WE wish to purchase LAND WARRANTS and will pay thehlehest price for them. Dealers in Warrants, at a distance, by sending to us by Mail or otherwise, may rely on getting the same as they would If personally present and the money remitted or paid to order. Try ua.

FOlt SALE. A FARM one mile South East from Nashville, near the Nolensville Turnpike road, containing fifty-one and a quarter Acres, first-rate land, a comfortable Dwelling-House, good Spring, Orchard, 4c. Also a FARM five miles north from Nashville on the White's Creek Turnpike Road, containing one hundred and forty acres fine valley land, one hundred acres cleared and rorty acres wooaianu, wen set wiin oiue-grass. A LOT in South Nashville fronting one hundred and fifty feet on College Street, and one hundred and forty feet on Franklin Street, having on it a brick Dwelling-1 louse, containing six Rooms, Pantry, Kitchen, Smoke-house, Ser vant's uooms, ac. Alo near the above, a Lot fronting on Franklin Street two hundred and seventy-six feet, on College Street ninety-eight feet, and on Market Street ninety-eight feet.

Cn this lot is a well, affording an abundant and never-failing supply of good water. If information should be wanted with regard to the above property, when I am absent from Nashville It may be obtained by 'application to Dr. John S. Young, on the corner of Broau ana cumme*r streets. Dec.

11 tf. MORGAN VANCE. BLUNKALL CHEAP CASH No 24, Bboahwat, Nashville Tenn. WEare receiving the largest and best Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Varieties, 4c, ever offered on Broadway. We offer great inducements to Cash Buyers, at wholesale and retail.

Our Stock is large and complete, embracing every arlicle in the dry goods line. Also a splendid stock of WINTER CLOTHING, which we are selling cheap for Cash. If you want to buy Dry Goods or Clothing cheap for cash, only, drop in at Nov. 80 8m 54, Broadway. DISSOLUTION.

THE Patnership contract heretofore existing under the firm and style of H. B. Douglas has been dissolved by limitation. B. Douglas nas enure cnarge oi tne Dusiness in liquida tion.


GODSHALL, J. N.BAILY. MESSRS. llu. Douglas, and Btbd Douglas baTe purchased our entire interests in the assets of the late firm or H.

B. Douglas and have adjusted payments for the same equal to cash. Dee. 1, 1S55. AitLf.

j. ftlCWmtlTftK, S. O. GODSHALL, fl. IHAVEpurchased the entire stock of floods possessed by the late firm of H.

4 B. Douglaa Co. A portion of this stock I will sell at extremely low prices. I am receiving a large tot of new and beautiful Goods; particularly desirable in styles and qualities, to all of which the attention of dealers Is respectfully solicited. Jan.

8 lm. JU. DOUGLAS. THE partnership between the undersijrued, in the name and style of J. M.

Seabury was dissolved by mutual coosenton the 31st ult. Either of us will attend to the settling up of the business of the late firm. J. M. SEABURY, JanilS tf.


TJT. SEAHUUY 8. PEACH, hare formed a partnership nnder the name and style ol T. J. Seabury and taken the stock and stand of J.

M. Seabury 4 in Cooper's Block, Cherry street; and announce to their friends and the public, that they are prepared to execute every description of the PLUMB-' ING BUSINESS, in the neatest and most substantial manner. They will also furnish and fit np Ga-Fixtures in the handsomest styles. They respectfully solicit a thare cl public pa4mf- Juki. Read and be Wise.

"TO THE CITIZENS OF NA8HVILLE1 if I HAVE just received a fine assortment of Spectacles, known to optician! as the "Concue Conm" Glasses better known in this community as BraHtian JPebMte, which I am willing to sell at reasonable prices. ss iokows: Gold Frame, Slide Temples tH 00 Single 10 00 Coin Fine Silver Frames, Slide Temples, 8 00 Sinnle 8 SO As to selecting Spectacles I profess to know all about it, baring paid particular attention to that branch of the bu siness lor tne last twenty jean. J. FLOWERS, Oct I No. 41, Union JTashviUe.

R. M'NAiRY CO. TTATEnowonhand one of the'targest and most com- XX plete Stocks of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, suitable for Fall and Winter ever offered at retail in this market, and having within the last few days received their third large importation, and many articles bought at prices far ineir nsnai value, are enabled to oner inducements to all persons wanting any thing In their line. Dress Goods. Elegant Flounced Silks, in all colors, both for Evening and Day Dresses at from IIS to ,60.

Elegant Moire Antiques, plain and stripes, both for day and evening. Elegant Maid and Striped Silks, qualities and prices. laln Kips in all colors, day and evening Dresses. Poult de Sole Cashmere Robes with borders (elegant.) printed Plain and printed Cashmeres and DeLalnes the largest lotever offered in this, city, bought at greatly reduced prices and to be sold proportionately low. 800 patterns DnionDeLalnes at only S3 apiece.

Plain Merinos in all colors, all descriptions of Mourning Goods, in short everything in the SresB Goods line. Flannels. Extra heavy all-wool Flannels forOrawers. Union Shaker All qualities Welch and otnerunshrinklnr Flannels. Silk Warp Flannels.

All colorsfine Sflque Flannels, tut tuimrcu, vommoa, unite aeaana reiiow, ail quautiea. Bo)'l, All descriptions of goods for Boys' Clothes, such as Jeans Sattinetts, Tweeds, Cassimeres, 4c; Staple Goods. All kinds Sheetings, Shirtings, Pillow Domestics, Tickings, Apron Checks, Canton Flannels, Prints, Irish Linens, Plaid Linseys. Ac. Ac.

Embroideries and L.ace Goods. Everything in this line, Honiton Collars and Collaretts Val. Collars, Collaretts and Sleeves separate or in sets. AlIkindsofFrenchand Scotch worked Collars. Mourn ing Collars in great variety.

Curtain Goods. Everything in Muslin and Lac. Certains, also Union, all wool and Satin, Laine, Damask with Gimps, Tassels, Loops io maicn, aiso uornice ana rins, au qualities. Hosiery. A very large stack of Ladies' and Misses, Men's and Boys', all of which we will sell at the lowest possible prices.

uarpeis. An endless variety of Carpets in all qualities many new styles received wimtn tne last lew days, at prices to in-sure entire satisfaction, also a large lot of Bugs, Mats, Crumb-cloths, Druggets, Oil Cloth Mats for fire placas, wash-stands, Ac. R. C. McNAIRY CO.

Nov. 80, College Street. il 0 iU 24TB. Our Frieesj Reduced. CLOSING SALSH THOMPSON NO.

21, PUBLIC SQUARE, A RE now selling their WINTER DRESS GOODS at J.JL. ly reuucea paces. Great Bargains In De Lane; Great Bargains fn Rich Silks; Great Bargains in 2000 yards Plaid Silki; Great Bargains in Embroidered Udk'ls; Great Bargains in Rich Velret Cloaks; Great Bargains in Rich Shawls. Fats! Fan SI Rich ChincK3U Furs Rich Sable Puis; Rich Pitch Furs; Rich Lynx Furs; Rich Ermine Furs; Bich Siberian Squirrel Furs. Bed Blankets, Flannels, Irish Linens, Bleached Shirtings, Hamilton Sheetings, Servants Wear, Boys Clothing, Quilted Skirts, (a new article very desirable) and all kinds of House-Keeping Goods.

Carpets, Druggrets and Rugs. We have now on hand one of tin largest and best selected Stock of Carpets ever exhibited in the Western Country and are weekly receiving all of the newest designs direct from the Manufactories. Curtain Material. Rich Satin Dc Lainen; German and English Damasks; Rich Lace Curtains. All kinds of fixtures for hanging curtains.

Call soon as we are now making great efforts to reduce our Stock before the close of the season. THOMPSON Nov. 24. 21. Public Square.

FOB. RENT. TWO comfortable offices or Sleeping Rooms, over the store lately occupied by H. Crutcher, on College Street. Apply at No.

85 Broadway. Jan. 16, 1856. Leather Belting: and Lace Leather. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS 600 feet of 12-inch Banding; 300 do 10-inch do; 2000 do of other sites, 2 to S-lnch; 50 pounds Belt Rivets; 110 aides Lace Leather; B.

It- CUTTER, 15. Cor. College and Broadway. FI.OI.K! FI.OUBS JUST received 1,000 lbs EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Lebanon Mills, for sale low for cast) at J. M.

HAWKINS, Agent. Jan 81. No. 38, Union St. Notice.

IN th- yearlS36, or 1S87, a bond Tor $52.91 of principal, executed by Ilenry Key to Elijah Brown, was handed mebysomeperson, now not recollected, with a request I would forward it for suit to some attorney practicing in Bedford County, where the obligor or his personal representative I sent the bond to Wm. Daniel, then practicing in Bedford. A suit was instituted by him, and he has recently paid into my hands the nett amount of the principal, Interest and costs recovered in said suit. As at this time, am uninformed to whom the moneT be longs, if to Mr. Brown, he having, as I am told, removed and died some years past insolvent, I adopt this mode of apprising me ngnum owner ei me iuna oemg in my hands, Buoject io uie proper oruer.

r. vv. ouulaALui uee. KS eosra. unariottesville, IT ,1855.

STATE LOTTERY AGENCY, no. wt rrau street, BALTIMORE, iOABYUJiD. e. nTgarr. ATE the Senior Partner, for many yeare, of the firm of jlu wnniy respeciiuuy cans tne attention of the numerous patrons of the firm of E.

N. CARR A and The Splendid Schemes to be Drawn in February 1856, Ana nones to rive all ms old friends a Handsome Prize. Please look over our Circular, and show it to your friends. wouiu respectiuuy cau your attention to THE TOM THUMB LOTTERIES! Ton can buv a Package of Whole Tickess for S15: sav for 950 we will send you double the amount in Certificates of racttages of Tickets in any of our email Lotteries, aowis your chance for a small outlay to make a fortune. We would recommend aU who send money through the mails to have their letters registered, and they will be sure to come safe to hand.

We only ask cur old friends to give us one more triaL One Package may draw at Independent Fortune. tgj Address your orders to the -fUest Firm in the world. N. CARR A Vn Iftfl Prntt Rtree't. Baltimore Md.

EstatUehedfor tie Uut stety-flTC ware in the Mt of Jtew lorK, jtoewn. iv Orleane. Bel-Air, Class 12th, for February 19th, 1856. T8 Numbers 18 Drawn Ballots. SCHEME.

1 Prise of $20,0001 2 Prises of 1,500 Prizes of 10 518 6,000 1 lu SCO 2 2.500 1 Ac, Ac. Tickets $5 Shares In proportion. Certificate of a Package of Wholes, f75 00 87 50 Quarters, 18 75 Fatapsco, Clas75, foi February 26th. 1856- 78 Numbers 18 Drawn Ballots. SCHEME.

1 Prise of $4,000 lPriteof 250, 1 iOO 1 118 1 750 10 80 1 500 Ac, Ac. Tickets $1 Shares in protiortlon. Cestificate'of Package of 26 Wholes, tlSOO 26 Halves, 60 28 Quarters. 79 Jan.t. attendance.

Jan. IT ly Sup. To the Ladies. FRECKLES, TAN, PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONh' OF TH SKIN, REMOVED IN S4 TO 8 A SIMPLE and harmless WA8H, composed of Domestic ingredients, discovered byrrof. J.

MORANDl, (late of Paris,) will effectually remove. TrrckUt, 7tM. rimplit and Entptumt on the face or hands in two er three applications, and almost instantaneously, restore tojtntu and beauty to the Skin, and by occasional ue. preserve it from decay. The Receipt for making this sun will be sent by mail to any person enclosing $2, with their name and post-office, in a stamped envelope.

Direct to J. J. MORANDS, ProL Chessistry, Jan. 17 d8m. Hew Orleans, La.

COH.PT CORN tiTTfE have in store and are regularly receiving 1 and IW VV bushel OSN'ABURG CORN BACKS, to which we ta vite the attention of shippers. W. H. GORDON OO. HOME MADE CLOTHES.

A FRESH SUPPLT OF BXATT- CL0TBS3, HOME MADE, For Sale Low, at the Seaton Advancing. at ho. 43, suixsr sraUT. Jan.l. A.

SANDtTOVM. W. F. ANDREWS. Qeneral Larexxt, HABTSVttLE, TENNn TTTTLL attend to the sale or purchase of ail ilissslsllu TV or property and the CoUectiea tit Debts tsvlua.

ner. Smith Macon and Wilson Counties. AH consignments and business entrusted to hlrearewUI be promptly attended to. id asrsasscia. E.

T. Seay, RarUrOU, Ten, I Jo. W. Allen, jr. Orient.

Malone A Lane, Gallatin, T. I Alex. Allison, JTathwiOe. Jo. O.

Guild, GaUalm Ten. Burre Allen, JVoaeeiUe, Dec. 80 lm. JO. EDWARDS, WHOLESALE GROCER, COMMISSION AD FOBVABDING IWEHCHAWT, suLta nr Brandies, Wines, Cigars, tc Comer of Spring and College Street, susbvols, FRESH AEBITAIi OF GBOCEBXB.

1Afl HHDS Prime to choice New Orleans 8ucar. IW 25 hhds. Cl'fd Sugar. i 100 bis. Loaf, Crushed and Powdered 200 bags prime Rio Coffee.

45 do Java do. 1C0 bis. ReboHed Molasses. 100 half bis. do.

do. 200 bis. Dean's Aurora Whisiy. 100 do Pike's Magnolia do. 25 do Old Bourbon do.

50 do de Rye de. 50 do Am. Brandy. 2 Pipes Holland Gin. 10 bbls r.

E. Rum. BOO Kegs assorted Nails. 200 boxes Star Candles. 150 do Virginia Tobacco.

ALSO A fine stock of fine Brandies. WIbm. nr s. in store, and for sale by iec. si, -oo JO.

ZDWASM. ROBERT H. XATVUI. ATT OR 1TJS AT LA JF; Xrenton, 11 ill sttend promptly to any business renflded te sis vv care in the Cherokee1 Circuit, nr In Court of Georgia. SXTKKDCX i B.

and R. Hiwirss. Trenton, Oa. Col. R.

M. Piais, Paris, Ga. Col. Jiiiss A. Wamsux, Ohattanoega, Terns.

March 15, 1855. ly. FRESH ABSITALS OP LEATHER BELTINO AND UCE IBAIHS1. 178T received hy Express 500 feet of twelve lach Beltlnc 800 ten 8000 aU other sites front two te sine laea- et wide; 50 pounds of Belt llireti; 110 Sides of Lace Leather. B.

CDTTn, Pt-I. Cor, of College St A Broadway. ELECTBIC niLI Portable Plantation, Cera, Feeel, Flouring Mills, Itoufactnred of the best quality of Trtneb. Bur Uukkmiu stones, of aU X) sizes, on band and made to order. SmutMille, Mill Irons, Mill Gearing, Belting, -Hoistingand Reg-nlating Screws, Screen Wire, Damsel Iron's, Plaster of Paris, DUTCH ANKER BRAND BOLTING CLOTHS, of all numbers.

I All articles sold by me warranted to be. of tW -i best quality, or the money refunded. Millers, Millirrights, Farmers, and others, ar.rsr. spectfully invited Io examine my stock before. paiv chasing elsewhere.

All orders and commuicationa prowptly i attendedto JOHN W. BRADFORD, Comer of Broad and High streata, Mar. 7, '55. Nashville, TEEMS. Daily Piper, Eight Dollars pee ashcm, Fri-Wsekxt Paper, Five do iw do.

Weekly do, Three do do do. BATES OF ADVERTISING. or eacn square of 12 lines or Icbb of brevier, or 10 lines or less of nonpareil, for the 1st insertion $1 00 for each additional Insertion, per square 50 For one square one week 2 50 each 1 25 for one square two weets 3 50 each additional 1 75 for one square three 4 00 each additional 2 25 HOT RENEWABLE. for one square 1 month daily 00 each additional $2 50 do do 2 do do 8 00 do do 4 00 io do 8 do do -30 00 do do 5 00 do do 6 do do 15 00 do do 6 00 do do 12 do do 20 00 do do 10 00 do do 12 do changeable at pleasure, 80 00 Each additional square, 10 00 NOT KEKEWACLS. for one square per month, tri-weekly, 1 4 00 each add.

$2 00 do do 2 do do 6 00 do 8 50 do do 8 do do 8 00 do 4 00 do do 6 do do 12 00 do 5-00 do do 12 do do 18 00 do 7 00 do do changeable at pleasure, 25 00 do 7 50 Patent Medicines will be published at $100 per column daily, or $75 trl-wekly with $5 for each renewal. Steamboat running to New Orleans will be chargod $10 for the seaaon and when running to St. Louis, Cincinnati, $15 for the season of not more than six months. The privilege of Yearly Advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate and regular business and the business of an Advertising Firm is not considered as Including that of its individual members. Advertisem*nts published at intervals, viz: weekly, or monthly are charged $1 per square for the first, and 50 cts for every subsequent insertion.

Calls on persons to become candidates, will be inserted as other advertisem*nts, to be paid for invariably in advance. Announcing candidates for County and State offices $5, and for municipal offices $3, to be paid in advance in every instance. AH advertisem*nts for strangers or transient persons to be paid in advance. Advertisem*nts not marked on the copy for a specified time will be inserted till forbid, and payment exacted. No advertisem*nt can be inserted gratuitously.

All a vertisem*nts for charitable institutions, fire companies, ward, town, and other public meetings, including religious notices, to he charged half price. Marriages and deaths are published as news. tributes of rtstct, and funeral invitations as other advertisem*nts. sck Reirular advertisers and a others sending communica tions or requiring notices designed to call attention to Pairs, Soirees, Concerts, or any public entertainments, where charges are made for admittance, all notices of private associations, every notice designed to call attention to private enterprises calculated or intended to promote individual inter-eats can only be inserted with the understanding that the same is to be paid for. If inserted in the editorial column which can be only at the discretion of the editors) the same will be charged at the rate of not less than 20 cents per line.

The undersigned, publishers of daily and tri-weekly pa-era in Nash vile), pledge ourselves strictly to adhere to the bove bill of prices, and in no instance to deviate from hem. W. P. BANG CO, Banner Office, J. L.

MARLING Union American, B. It. McKENNIE True Whig Office. New Boot and Shoe Store. CHARLES B.

II 2f0. 18 PUBLIC SQUARE, Nashville. (In the House formeily occupied by Jons Nichol.) WHERE CAN BE FOUND ONE of the best and most varied as sortments of HOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS, of everv descrmtion ever offered In this market. Ladies and Gentlemen, Mer chants and others, are respectfully Invited to examine thi stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they may rely upo-gettiug good article at low prices. Just received, a splendid assortment of Ladies'1 Kid and Morocco Boots, Slippers, Gaiters, Ac.

Also, Misses Kid and Morocco Boots and Gaiters a large assortment of Children's Shoes, Kid and Morocco Boots, Extra sizes for servants' wear. The Stock is full and complete, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms, by the case, dozen or single pair. Also a splendid assortment of Sole Leather Traveling Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, 4c, always on hand very cheap. IT AGENCY AND OFFICE OF GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, NO. 28 LOUISIANA AVENUE.

JOSEPH 11. PLEASAKTS, RECENTLY dlsmiised from the Third Auditor's Office, Treasury Department, will attend to any business intrusted to him before Congress, Court of Claims, or the various Departments of Government. Particular atten tion paid to nil classes of accounts, whether regular or suspended, and to claims arising unler contracts. He refers to the numerous officers of the army, and others, who have had their business promptly, intelligibly, and faithfully attended to in his official capacity, among them Lieutenant General Winfield Scott. N.

B. American editors who publish this notice may command his services to any reasonable extent, aug. 18 tf. Singer's Sewing Machines. THESE Machines have long sustained the highest reputation in the United States.

The First Prize a gold urdai. has recently been awarded to them at the great Exposition at the ol industry in Paris, and thus they have the World's verdict of superiority. Great improvements have Just been added, so that they run without noise, with ease to the operator at double the ordinary speef that Twice much, work can be done in a day. Thegreatv clothing and shoe manufacturing establishment in the countiy use these machines exclusively. They are competent to perform every sort of work in the most perfect style.

As there are very great numbers of inferior or entirely worthless sewing machines of the Lerow Blodgett, Avery, Wilson, Graver Baker and other patents, which have been sold, hut cannot be used to any advantage, we hereby offer to receive all such machines, and also unimproved ones of our own manufacture, in exchange for new and latent improved machines, on liberal terms. All old machines thus obtained by us will be broken up and destroyed. For particulars apply by letter or personally at our New York Office. B. Local Agents wanted to make sales of our Improved sewing machines.

To persons properly qualified for the business, a rare opportunity for poutable and pleasant emoloyment is offered. I. ST. SINGER Principal Office, 323 Broadway, H. T.

Branch kes: 47 Hanover Boston. 142 Chestnut Philadelphia 105 Baltimore Baltimore. 223 Walnut Cincinnati. 18 St Charles New Orleans. Gloversville, N.

Y. 834 Broad Newark, N. J- Nov. 23 Sm. WINES, BR1NDIES.

UQUORS, De Venoge Charles, 183 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK, HAVE established an Agency for the sale -of their Importations in the city of Nashville, at No. 7, Public Square. De V. 0. are the representatives of some of the far-ffest Housesin France, among others the CENTRAL SOCIETY OF VINEYARD, PROPRIETORS OF COGNAC, whose BRANDIES they are prepared to offer In Half, Quarter and Eighth Pipes.

This House has become celebrated for the excellence of their shipments, and from the immense Capital which they represent, offer superior advantages, both in quality and price, over any other Brandies. Shipments in Bond, if desired. DEV. C. al3o offer for sate of their OWN IMPORTATIONS an assortment of CHAMPAGNES, CLARETS, MADEIRAS, SHERRIES, HOCKS, WHISKIES, GIN, RUM, C' "CHARLES LOKDOX CORDIAL GI2T, Distilled in London nnder supervision of the British Government, expressly for Dc Venoge Charles of New-York, a pure bwic, stimulant and diuretic drink, pro.

tiounced by Medical Men to be the inon Sanitary Alcoholic distillation ever offered to the Public. This Gin, from Its peculiar qualities, is eminently adapted to parts of the country whose waters abound with Limestone, and Is in general use, as a beverage, throughout the whole United States. In Cases of one and two dozen bottles, each bottle bearing the words, Charles London Cordial Gin, blown In the glass, and the Proprietor's fac simile signature on the label. All Orders confided to the care and scrutiny of Messrs. De Venoge Charles, through their Nashville Agency, will meet witti prompt attention and dispatch.

Dec 5 3m. IVew Furniture4 Jkc Wa arc now receiving, and wilt con-. tinue to receive for some time, a large stock of FURNITURE, consisting of snlendid Roue Wood and ifaknnanu Parlor Setts, which will be finished to order, in Brocatell, and Plush, or Hair Cloth: also, PUtin Setts; also, splendid Rosewood and Mahogany CJuunher Setts, Together witr a great variety of Side Boards, Bedsteads, "ardrobes. Wast Stands, Tables, Chairs, Ac, Ac, which win be, sold at the very lowest rates for cash, or good notes dniwErig interest. apl SO W. GREENFIELD A CO. TO FAMILIES, HOTELS. are selling the best Baltimore. Oysters at 5ts. per Can.

We art selling real Italian Macearoni at 15 cts. per lb. aue ueiiioj doxcb oarames at za cis. eacn. We are setting do.

40 We are selling every article in our line at equally reduced prices. Recent arrangements for buying in the North render the reductions now made in oar prices an advantage to our-elves as well to the Public generally. A THOMPSON, 7. 1 Onhia CHOLERA HORBTTS. raious CIWLIC, CHOLERA rHFAHTUH, It cures Painful Menstruation.

8. It relieves Pain in the Back and Lions. 8. It counteracts Nervousness and Despondency. 10.

It restort Irregularities. 11. It dispels Gloomyand Hysterical Feelings. 12. His an admirable Tonic.

Letters, Testimonials it a most efficient, and in my judgment, a valuable rem' Hon. HIRAM WARMER. Jndtre of Sunreme Court. Ga. Deputy 6.

M. of the Grand Lodtre of Georiria. all I hear about it as aremedv bv those who have tried it, preparatioe of the kindj and would recommend its use in the MILES tt. DOBBINS, Cashier of the Bank of the State of Georeia. Griffin.

Cordial must stand pre-eminent above all other prepara testimony in its favor coming in from all quarters, it must be omer -paieni- preparations." a. KiiKUinti, Cashier of the Marine and Fire Insurance Bank. Griffin. Bonaparte pushed his columns into Russia, and gaining av, xooo. STRETCH, Nashville, H.

G. 8COVIL, Nashville, PARES unuMiiiw s. aooateiisvuiey uauAuii tfuuttJx.tai, nraugnoui tne orate. WITT. ivD BLISS Proprietors, No.

20, Bedkman street. New Tori. New Bankin House. JOES D. JAMBS.


JAMES BASXEBS AND EXCHANGE DEALEBS. Next door to the Bank of Nashville, Tenn. Tnterestpaid on Deposits by JOilN D. JAMES CQ LAND WARRANTS. 191 AA ffhd WORTH of LAND war.

UANT8 wanted, for which we wm pay me iiiguesi maruet price is CASH. Nor. 6 JOHN D. JAMES CO. BILLS discounted.

Exchange bought and sold, and col. lections made -on all the principal cities in the Union. 6 JOHN i. JAMES CO. "YOUNG AMERICA." All Complete 50.

IT Is extreme fallacy for any intelligent man to conclude that a valuable Corn Crusher can be made without preventing a lateral motion. Any Corn and Cob Mill which admits or tms motion will soon wear out; this Is a legitimate fact, wilt be easily thrown ont of order, will null vonr stock too heavily, will crush your corn imperfectly; and I defy the whole fraternity of Corn Crusher Patentees, their challenge to a public vindication of the above orincinles. Ail other Crushers now before the public are amenable to uieae tjiyecnuns, ana oo man uure uispuie it. The Revolving Portion of no othr Of usher is held firmly in its nroDer nosition. they having been made more for immediate sale than for value and durability to the farmer.

Honest farmers aad stock-raisers of the South, these high-pricedill-constructed xantcee contrivances win not suit you at all, they are en- tirely too olyectlouablo. The American Crnslmr differs materially from all others, in price, construction, durability, simplicity, etc. It can be fitted up In a few hours; theexternal or concave grinder Is stationary, being box Itelow, tiie inner or convex grinder revolves, and is V.oU flrmtv nr. A fr.TtfTr. U.

I .1 and cast iron box above, and an ink and gudgeon below, which uetuauy prevents an possioie lateral motion, tne great desideratum never before obtained, which renders mem teniom more auraoie; tne snauor lever to which the horse is applied works over your head, being another important- improvement over all others; the crushed stuff is received at one aperture from a shoe, another valuable requisite; and lastly, the price is near one half that of omers. ror tne convenience oi Larue and Small Farmers they are made or two sizes No. 1 weighs near is worked with one horse and one hand, will crush from 8 to bushels per hour, will make from clear corn two thirds good meal, the remainder beingbeautifulugrithommony," for table use, and is offered at $50, all complete on your No. 2 weighs about 500 pounds, is worked with in horses and one hand, will crush from 20 to 25 bushels per hour, will last an ordinary lifetime, and is sold, all complete on Now Farmers. how does your pulse beat, concerning the Southern Inven tion which is vastly superior to all others, and sold at i much less price? If you -wish to purchase one of tbesa mills, address the Proprietor at Shelbyville or Nashville, or order from Ellis, Moors Nashville, and your demands shall be attended to without delay.

They uc Luaumctui eu suuaute pomis tor Agenis. AzrcntK lo Sell Iff ill are wanted in all parts of the Union, who will at once act "with the spirit and the understand! ug," to all auch I will negotiate on easy terms, will irive them a "clear field and fair fight," ask no notes, and only require $10 in advance, which shall be applied for his sole use. Exclusive county or State rights will be disposed of on better terms than ever Detore Known. or lurther information, address the Patentee at thispoJnt, or Nashville, and you shall receive all particulars in iuu. j.

t. DKOMGOOLE, Patentee, Ac. Shelbyville, April 25, 1S55. tf. MYTEEIES OF THE POST OFFICE.


price, HI 25 Beautifully illustrated with 16 Steel Portraits, by Ritchie, and 12 Wood Engravings, from designs chiefly by Darley. This work undertaken with the sanction of the chief officers of the Post Office Department, by a gentleman who has long been and is still, one of the Special Agents of that Department is the first book of the kind ever issued, calculated to give the public an insight into the practical operations of the Post Office Esvabusiimkxt, and the almost certain means which skill and experience have furnished for the detection and punishment of offenders against the laws enacted for the security of the mails and the inviolability of private correspondence. Never has a volume been offered to the public under a more hearty and universal commendation of that enlightened and powerful censor, the Pubss. Brief extracts from some of these many flattering notices are annexed: "The book will prove one of the raort entertaining of the season, and in liveliness, interest, and general truth to nature, will form a addition to our stock of popular light literature." N. Y.

Evenina Pout. "We are bound to concede to Mr. Holbrooks narrative ms r03iuracepxpenenre3, the merit or being an exceedingly interesting and suggestive book." N. Y. Herald.

"The cutest and most entertaining book we hare recently seen. Some of Mr, Holbrook's true, unvarnished recitals, beat all that one finds in Reynolds monstrosities, and any one who reads them will realise at once that romance still auu wirivcB ainiu our modern llie." JSoslOll FOSI. "This work commends itself by the nature of Its subject, every person who can read a book or write a. letter." Philadelphia Pennsylzanian. "A more amusing and at the same time interesting work its kind, has never been published in America." Philadelphia Bulletin.

"A well written and amusing work, from which weBhall make an extract or two for'the benefit of the community." PhilaoVa. Sat. Post. "It abounds with sketches of novel and Instructive matter." PhUad'e. Inquirer.

"This book is indeed a novelty, exceedingly entertaining, and opening a new source of amusem*nt." Hartford Daily Courant. "There Is substance enough in the incidents, plots, and character contained in his sketches, to fill a dozen novels." Richmond Enquirer. "No person who has ever allowed himself to harbor for moment the idea of opening another person's letter, can read the book without shuddering at the frightful precipice which he has stood." Netc Haven Register. Published byH. COWPERTHWAIT Philadelphia.

For sale by all Booksellers and News Agents. Dec. 29 lm. CJTIiEF, TIRE 1K 15-16 nd Steel Buggy Tire, Just received and for sale by D. D.

DICKEY, 8t. Ko.S0lh8tnt- Iiftw iibM Tnrnh flnrriinl' in mv fumitv. and this, induces me to believe that it stands at the head of every diseases for which it la compounded." "Tf tTitrp'f anv rrprHbilitr In human testim onv. 1 Jacob's tions for the cure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of very Tar In advance, as a curative agent, oi mostn not au "This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast commendation wherever usea." ueorgia For sale by THOS.

WELLS, Nashvills, JONATHAN jiashttue; o. buhjiah, bpecaviue; c. Goodlettsville: and by the principal Merchants ana iJruggis August 26, 1655. ly. H.


MT Stock of Gentlemen's READY-MADE CLOTHING for the Fall and Winter Trade is now complete, embracing every variety of style and fabric to be found in the Eastern Markets. My business being strictly and exclusively confined to the Manufacture and sale of Clothing, enables me to offer greater inducements than any other house in the city, and Ready Made Clothing, that they can supply themselves tpith a mnnh iiwr vnrietv of nrvles and assortment of sires, at a less price, by making their purchases direct from the Manufacturer. Sept. 22 tf E. H.

BROCKWAT. AND FAIV'C JOB ITORKSIAX, NORTH-EAST CORSER OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE, Nashville WHERE he will be found prepared to execute all kind of PLAIN, FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL WORK, in his line of business, such as Drawers, Tables, Stands, Shelving, Sign Boards, Boxes, Ac, Ac. Small Jobs attended to with neatnesB and despatch. Cheap for Cash. May 10, 1555.

12m. "WILLIS L. EOBAEDS, A TTORNE AT LAW, 6 ly. Aimtln Texas. It.

F. BELL, COMMISSION MEBCHANT, No. 23 College Street, opposite the Sewasee House, Nashville, Tennessee, nEALER IN eign and Domestic Liquors, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Clover Seed, Millet Seed, Kails, Powder, Cigars, Tobacco, VERANDAH HOTEL. THE subscriber having disposed of the Crutcher House, and taken charge of this HOTEL, he hopes by prompt attention, and moderate bills, to meet a liberal share kaf public patronage. The Slage Office is kept at this Hotel, corner of Cedar and Cherry Streets, opposite the Post-office.

Not.21,1S55. ACTON YOUNG, Sup't. BPkask Carter. Wm. R.

Jooetc. OARTER JOTJETT. Forwarding and General Commission Merchants' vn 98 FAST SIDE THIRD STREET. NO. 28, EAST SIDE THIRD STREET, Between Mam and the River, LOUISVILLE, KT.

ftMark packages from the East to care of Cartkr JorKTT, and they will be promptly forwarded, april 24, 1S55. eoiwly. E. W. BE5T0X JOHN CALDWELL.

E. W. BENTON COMMISSION AND FOBWABDING MERCHANTS K0. 65 FROST STREET, Opposite the Upper Steamboat Landing, 'NEW ORLEANS. Consignments of all kinds of Produce 111 receive jompt and personal attention.

ly. MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY. AT a meeting of the Stockholders of the Mount Olivet Cemetery, held at the office of Lindsley Crockett, on this day, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors, viz: A. V. S.

LisnsLEr, J. H. Boddeke, B. W. Hall, E.

A. Herman, A. Nelsox, J. P. Moroas, C.

W. Nasce. Alter the election the Board met and organized. A. v.

S. LINDSLEY wss elected President, and C. W. NANCE Secretary and Treasurer. The company is now permanently organized, and active steps will be taken immediately to lay off the grounds in handsome style, and to bring the lots into market.

It is the intention of the Board of Directors to spare no expense or pains to make it such a Cemetery as the wealth and taste of our community requires. A. V. S. LINDSLEY, President.

O. TV. NANCE Secretary. Sept.C tf. Claret Wine.

SUPERIOR article of Claret on hand and for sale by July 25. WESSEL THOMPSON. Lumber! THE undersigned having erected two Steam Saw ill ills, situated in the heart of the finest CEDAR TIMBER region in the United States, are prepared to fill orders for Cedar Lumber in any quantity and of any dimensions that may be required. They are also prepared t.,h Whitp Out.

Post Oak or Red Oak Lumber of any reauired length, from forty feet down. They will keep tnree teams constancy Haunug muiuci nnMn, will fill any orders with promptitude and despatch, npon as good terms as any other establishment in the western country. t. All those desiring Lumber will address the undersigned at Hudplkstok's Roads. Oct.

18-eo4w6m. HIRKPATRICK A SIMMONS. FAMILY LABD WE t.are on hand at our depot on Market ttTt, street, nextdoor to Johnson Weaver's, tXIQp a suppiy of very choice Lard, put up expressly for flUtt family use. WOODS 00 NnjihvillB, February 1, IBM. Belief is on Hand! IMPOETAOT TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH RUB TITRRl WA.

CSLlDDOIV, (Gntta-Percha Truss Mann- facturer and Fitter, No. 1 Egan'g Buildings, Adams' street, Memphis, ana late travelling gent for Sherman's i'ew Orleans Truss Establishment,) respectfully announces to the citizens of Nashville, and Its vicinity, that he has appointed Messrs. Myers McOiH as his Agents in this City for the RETENTION and RADh VAI UUJiJtot all forms' of HERNIA. Mr. Ctliddon'3 long experience, and the fact that he is backed by the bright est and most intelligent Ph sicians of the.

South West, warrant him in asserting that those who are afflicted with thi? distressing and dangerous misfortune would do well to apply to them for the means of procuring his invaluable Mechanical contrivances. Each Truss is made to order thus insuring a perfectfit; and as each individual cue require: a different degree of pressure, the patient experiences (what he never did before) comfort and sbcdbitt, which render him again of use to himself, and cheer him with the prospect of a final and radical cure. The adaptation of GuttaPercha has proved of incalculable valne to the plantingcommunity, inasmuch as the Truss springs are thus rendered permanently safe from the corro-. sive effects ol hu.nan perspiration, more especially that of tiie A.frorace. 3TMes9rfl.

Myers A McGill are empowered to refer to theraln own that have been fitted by Mr Gliddon. March with as juuy i all 10. a OR oi to of a on HUBXEY's SABS APARILLA. THIS truly extraordinary preparation having effected a cure in every instance wherein it has been used, aad those cases of the most malignant and inveterate character, standing for years, despite medical science slace it street 1 rior to all other preparations, lis mode of eoseposUlostasd entire process, so elaborately and scientiSeaBy CMnbines. is of public notoriety and the faculty and peJsUe geaeraBy accord that patronages, superior article merits.

It ia'J void of those destructive agents which too comrootdy fonr an important Item' when less expensive medicines iraala undetected, and will be found a permanent smd ndleat curelc Orspepsla, or Indigestion, Scrofula or King's Krft, A iccuons oi tne nones, nypniils, ueouity, tiaoteoal use- tiveness. Erysipelas, Pulmonary Diseases, Liver Cess plaint, Piles, Female Irregularities, Skin Dtse- ses, Diseased Kidneys, and, as a great and powerrs Tonic, purifying the Blood aud Invigorating the. eater System: Its extensive use throughout the country, and tl esrtaV eates which ae every day received, should more Uua sst isfythe doubtful that it will perform is StatesV sstl may be implicitly relied on with perfect confidence; no saatt -terliowileen-seated the aoecUon, ore what duratlen. -1 ask the sufferer to take a bottle, and if relief be not expe- rienced, I say take no more. But it a tact, asd aarW' vious one, that those semi (part) SaraaparillasoecaeioasSir get greater credit than a carefully prepared, aad fenalae medicine.

I assert my Compound Syrup qfSartaparOl to be the best. FirsUv. it Umadeef the rerv bertroet.l concentrated form; carefully and chemically ten stronger than any of the other preMratieeis. Secondly, the active principle being extracted by a pow-erful tincture press, nudeesrlally tor this. wonderful cures performed, and daily evidence, la truth Justify the assertion, ft Ice per bottle for 3, a.

U. SUUVCL, DruniSt, P-ltVts. KaehvilletVesia..

Republican Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.