Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

IF JMHMMMMKMMKM fay: 'i mmtemmu. 1 DAILY STATE GAZETTE educational exposition. foreign troops coming. i I Entered at th Pod Office In tmiHTM ftcomi clas. miitet.A roil O'CLOCK P.

Success of i i.i i in i of I Its Chicago Intertiutloniil linciimiunent lu Sc. -iii'iii Soldier, from Abroad. Cuic.iO), July 9. Uonerals Chotlain and Hentloy, tho commissioners of tho Chicago International October Encampment, advise ex-Governor Heveridgo that on thoir arrival In England they called tlrst ou Mr. lluri'ourt, (hen tn General Wolseley, and Basil on tho Dulto of Cambridge.

Tim former is chairman of the Aa Ir.Verwtlnar Collection or the work of Aiuerlean Scholar to na Shown at the IMueatlonst Convention at C'hlragn. t'nicAno, July 9. -Tho south wing of the Exposition building was nil bustle and confusion lhnrsday in consequence of tho preparations being made for the National F.ducational Association Exposition. Although cvory thing was not in shape last evening the exposition promlsss to be fr royal mM Ami SATURDAY EVE JULY 0. HAS I ORPRiCES SPECIAL 1 Committee on Military Affairs, nad rc luiiiuiiii ee oil -w i niiiom, highly successful.

glliy Buiuenaiui. FLAVORING Illinois has a representation of twenty- ferred them to Lord Wolseley, tlio Ad mj I -71 jutant-G neral of her Majesty's forces. Tli' Milwaukee Thermo Therapa. BUSINESS CARDS ELLIS, GREKNE MERRILL Attorneys Counselors, Oreeu Hay, Wis. t.U.


jTmUNWO, Physician and Surgeons, Office Watiluytnli street, over Dr. drug tore. Office hour, to 10 a. ,4 ts 4 mid to Bp. ni.

lies idcu 'e of br, J. Mtiiiro, l'iae oppoNite tchuol liosja, DR. 13. C. BRETT, Physician and Surgeon.

Office over Holmes' Hore, residence on Jefferson Street, BtSSB liay, Wis. W. C. COREY, Dentist. All klnde of denial surgery and wore skillfully attended to.

tifllee In Inuinevs 1 block Washington street. A. F. OLMSTED, II Ikl Extracts i latter oorJUlly approved of the proposed International Military EneampinJiit, but i licked authority in the premises. At tin: Royal HorM Guards tho Duke of Cain- I bridge peremptorily refusod to permit any English troi pi or army bands to come to Chicago, an I Ottei in pnootpta tho recent I refusal of Knglaii 1 to allow a military or- gsnizatlorj In to Atlanta, to parade or NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS five counties; Wisconsin tnroo booths and live alcoves.

Sauk County has a full representation Dane County is represented by Madison, Hock County by Janosville, ami Eau Claire by Eau Claire City, while Milwaukee has a full exhibit. Indiana, Ohio and Iowa are also represented. In tlio different exhibits are to be soon work from the hands of tho smallest members of the primary departments to the highly finished work furnished by graduates from tho universities. Tho council held a preliminary mooting Thursday, D. H.

Hagar, of Salem, glass presiding. Tho council will this morning discuss '-The Relation of the High Bchooll to Colleges." IN HARD LUCK. A Curative Institution of Twenty Years' (tooil Repute and Wonderful Success. If. P.


I)r Robert Wallaeton. Medleal nim-lur ftf the HrilMi Auny III the rinieaii Wur, lu a receui book on Iha Therme lionianu Hr.t niieie, aj: 'My iHifillou ih '1 ill key on llm medical MOST PERFECT MADE strict retrard to Purity, Strength.anJ Ha Uifuii.cea. lr. Price' Raking Powder conulM no Amiui iiia, Liinr or Alum. Dr.

Price's Extract. i i. won, Orange, etc, flavor P0W0EI JV'Cr mavs F-TMr CO. Chcaco ahj St i Html or die lint ii-li Ainiy nie to lefcl FACTS BRIEFLY STATED. Miss Koso t'levelmd visiting old college friends at Pittsburgh, Pa.

Tho first bain of the cotton crop of 1S87 was marketeJ at Memphis Tuesday. Tho debt of the Btato of New York was reduced last week to less than The commercial treaty between Spain and tho United States has boon prorogue 1 ouo year. A Palestine society is buying pieces of land in Palestine upon which it is proposed to found Catholic stations. Tho Suez Canal cost The Panama Company has already incurred obligations for Judge Greshaai will hold court at Springfield, with District Judge Allen three Oays of next week, beginnin tho Hth. Edison says he has spoilt over in electrical experiments.

He is now experimenting with submarine signaling. The sixth annual meeting of the American Forestry Congress will bo held in Springfield, 111., September 14, 15 ami ML Edward Atkinson is in London on a special mission from Secretary liayard to investigate tho silver question in Europe. General Boulangcr has snubbed Goneral Ferron by declining the luttor's invitation to luncheon, on a plea of business engagements. All the French mayors who participated iu the demonstration in honor of the Count of Paris ou the Islo of Jersey are to be removod. I ai I i IIIWMW Bii i 1 1 1 1 emciencyai snlheropeutle.

agenw' "llavii'ir derived irreat Iwn III from the Absolutely Pure. line uurliiirray reoiileneu in ikey uhuii attacked wllh a fever while on duly at Scutari, 1 owe a debt of uralllmlo to 11 remedy which, ha- hom*oeopathic Physician. For Sale. i iw ley in -r yarn A irvi i oi rarity Residence west side Adams got, three floors Bi.ain or Wity 111 Vein- block, BOI i ni'in ami a-, rsonii uusj. Muiu cr- IhuD Liu-'a ina rannot raid r.i:i i.iioii vv lb limit of I -i i waluhl nlni-i Mr ul nowiLia.

i nan I exhibit, armed ami In uniform, in any portion of tho British 1 There are on Albion's soil independent military organ ilions intended for local defense, servic I in which is voluntary. Tho Chicago Commissioners dropped further parleyings with the Duko of Cambridge mid commenced negotiations with the militia. One of tlio Loudon companies of this organization boars a Scotch name. At last accounts General Bentloy was perfecting arrangements whereby tho attendance of about hundred members of this organization, fully officered, could, be assured. Telegraphic ad vicos recolvo.l by Governor licvoridgo indicate that from tho Netherlands, from Belgium, ami probably Franco, a military repruientalion can also bo secured, li this expectation is fulfilled tho encainpmout is bound to be an international one in fact as woll as in name.

General Chotlain exp'cts to bo successful in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. ill aim and Hire conned ea wuu tli" i 1 pin. im pxi-hani; sua, iklnit lor WallSt N.Y NEW CHICAGO ADVEHTIsem*nTS Valuable Property in City of Green Bay. the Children. They nre espccia'ly liable to Pili'di ti t'lihl onglif, t'riKip, lioi-p Capital, 8 100 000.00 log niijli, owl.

We guan.iiti Ai'Uli English Itrrutdy a poKitivc ears, It Metropolitan Stock and No Less than Nineteen ltailroads Sold by Order of Courts lu the I'at Ml Moulin. Chicago, July 9. During tho past six mouths, the current number of tho Rail-warn Aye states, nineteen railroads, with bonded debt of Ii7, 1118,000 and a nominal capital stock of $39,770,000, making a total of nearly $157,000,000 of socuritios, have been sold under orders of courts and passed into tho hands of now proprietors. Whilo thoso are very largo figures, they are small in comparison with those which wero given for the corresponding periol of 1886, when, although tho number of roads sold was less by two, the mileage was miles, or more than two and a half times that of the last six months, and the apparent rapltal investment was nearly against tor the present year or nearly double Utah's Constitution. Salt L-MiB Citv, U.

July 9. -The Constitutional convention completed and adoptod a constitution Thursday. Provisions for the entiro sepa.ation of church saves honrs nnxinrut ffatchiug, S.dil by 1 drain hxchane Unity umuiy ppeiiKin. eveil mv Hie "Ah a uiMlical aj(eiit in the treatment ufdr-eae, the unlyetoal Icetlininiv ol ex-porlence kti provsS It, excellence "The mini 'I In-run. be an anpei dan of every ho.pltl aud iliapcnaary, aud r.e eniab liehed in every tow 11 in the 1 ouutry, an one of the looal Baafttl In litutlou.

In the kingdom." 1 he old proverb aaym 'ho 'ooln Mm thsi can line tl un;" and whdom t-uyi-: "Olvo tlir work to liimlhat basilic Inula." Ihaaeruua mon ceni-e Idea, anirgciM a leamnable explaua tion of ihe feci that lr. llaason'a licit Cure fords ureab. (dvantailM to thettck tbmi au, physiciau ur any ulker lualitutiun without ilS apiilinneeH 0411 oiler. It hecai rv he ha thu raeane of important re-nlis the treatment uf dhMsaa. SS liu 11, 'lie of the other, have.

These nieacs are recognleed byiho highest medical aothi rities, and prunoaiiotd to Mis. aeuilal tome proper equipment i.f tal or curative Instlint.ou. The Thermo Thor-apie. courhlnlaK Ihe Ttirtlah bath, electrolhir-mal and eiher biiihs, with and carof 1 medication, ulves a eoi.trol over (Ihicase, that Mt oue can witbonl them. And every da) reach, iu lliis city provu Hit.

claim to be well founded. The phy.lri.n, of this citv know full well thai I have menu" the routrof ol violent aud dead ly disease, uh ch ihey have not. of thuia are eaniiul SBSSSB to -u. WlALTlIY AND I'll YSIC'lAN 8 CAN Arrnai To aa it. I have navau Aaaau ANT TO UO ,0.

IFnim Ihe Evening WiacnnMn. We have received the following coninianicatloa from one of ibe emiiieiii nbvsic'au. of oar Of ll.i' good tilings this life are soi row fully lit sluueou account of Dtspop 179 and Pils Uoaa Stato Street, CRI A0k sia. Ai-kfi 1- I i.sii liihlt'tauill I'lirt- D) spcj sin, tniiiroation audCVitiitlpaiion D2ALKRS IN I.ol of Washington street, to lease river frout for the use of wher.t ware house; Lots 98, 100, and North iOI extending to-dock line on river, foot of Jcfftmiii hfttm I IH, 119, Jk 180(159x198 feetj N. E.

comer of Adams Cedar streets: Lioi 77 on Uth street, near East River Foundry; West Lot 100 Sonth side Main street, between Qniuey Jackson; Lot HI 5 ou Walnut street; (or ou 8. sil" Walnut st; (several building lata, aOil'30 feet, on N. side Main between Madison Monroe streets; a sold on a uiH-dflvo yt, a ran Ice lit 'S inn! 5(1 if cents, by J. IJ it tiri'lrr to Xtotherm, The Ameer of Afghanistan has proffered pardon and two years' freedom from tava-tion to such of the rebellious Ghilzais a will lay down their arms. Tho Scotch yacht Tuistlo Hies thirteen flags, representing tho number of races she has won.

The Thistle will start for America in about threo weeks. The French rovenuo returns for Juno show that the receipts were francs less than the estimates. Tho total delicit for tho half year ig francs. P. T.

Bamum was bjrn on tho 4th of fatON Dellvory. Are yon disturbed at hight unp bfoktm Of yottr st by a cliil'i saflerilig nrd crin.r with pmn a tang fvtiir If si ON A STRIKE. linllil'Ba i it.uiiy Hampered by ii Strike of Ou men. Nkw YoitK, July 9. Nearly bu.lding-iiiatoriuls car tine of the west side of this city struck Wednesday morning, uad IW loss they soon return to work building operatiiitH will be suspjiided, Tlio men, who furnish their horses and wagons or carts, were heretofore paid by tho load or day, and a man with a horse and cart could made four dollars a day, and if ho had a team and wagon seven dollars.

Tip dealers 014 tho cuitmen ''lumping," or contraptlna for tho job, and tlio men fo'uhd they had more work to do for loss money than under tho old system, and they "tied up." The men met and resolved to fey their demand that the contrapt syste must go, Tho strike is general on the wost side, Tho cartnicn's strike extends from tho Battory to King's bridge. It affects dealers In brick, cement and lath. (Irdt'rn XMVttfl ti Mlffflt ac lew Ki 111 (M if huir nn S(nrk. rit.ii, I rem per Hualifl. Pol It, rMi(h ht rrl l.finl, 1 rii(NU'r fir mi Oil, 1 rent per ll.irrrl.

send at oaeeaud Lt a Udtle of Mrs Wiusiow's HiMilliiu-' Syrup for children teething. Itn Value is incalculable. It will relieve tlio poor little Bit'lYrer immc and State, non-sectarian education, no employment or rejection of school teachers on account of faith or non-belief in any doctrine or sect, forbidding bgamy and polygamy and pt-qvidiug pon-altios thorofor, and apportioning representation so as to favor tho minority were adopted in their entirety, and the convention adjourned subject to the call of the presidept. Tho constitution will ho submitted to the people August ud tjio Utah Commission will allow votes to be counted. of detached tlesirab' lot South of Waluat street titid betweea Webster Madison streets, to uiir crodK with ftnv ntitpouihla

city, concerulrjg the remedial uae.of tho Turkish Depend njion it, mothers, there CiiHiuiiK rd nut lUMi- ontl laaritfiii hm c.fted is no mistake abiiat it, it cur uysen im tod Lots seatteretl all over the plat of tery ainl dtitrruoca, MOnlsMS the Htiini- nam, a im it ur. M. I iianson lias uone so mm to popOl.rlxe throuuhoul the Northwest, by bi-weli managed e.tabli.hmvul ou the comer of Fourth aud Syeamoru aireel.i tiENTs: A low me to use vour valn.ble iaper Liberal IntlneentMi to Brokcra. Holicltfd tiy mnil oi tt lctrr ipk, Ac.ur. almost Solid Blocks rcIi nnil bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces tOumtBStioD, and ill Astorare in maiket ready for sale.

to direct the i.ilenliou of the people of Milwau gives tone ami ensrer to ti whole sys kee ton very oaeful Inatiicton, tho Thermu Ihcrapre. From a close observation of a large tern. Mr. Wintdow's Soothing Syrup for In the City of Ft. Howard children tectiiiug is pleasant to the tnsti uuiiinrr 1 1 ee.

treated ly l'r Hanson .1 liig the past iii 1 um satUlltd the old ltomau au.l is the prescription of one of the old An Cnfortunate County. 1 Therma ia a remedial uncut of vaiue, iu bolli. STEY B7 acres lyincr West North of the reon Bay V. St. Paul II.

ii. grounds est and best female nurses nud physioiSDs Evansvii.i.e, July 9. Perry County is wildly excited over tho defalcation and acute anil chronic di.oases. 1 have witnessed the cure of of Ibe worst fuimsoi' rheumatism. It Is admirably adanteu to Jfuly, saventy-sjven years ago.

He celebrated the event by giving a clam bako to his children and grandchildren. Governor Lloyd, of appointed Friday, August 2rJ, as the day ou which John Thomas Ross, tho negro "burker" of Emily Brown, must bang in Baltimore. The order forbidding tho exportation of horses from Germany has been rescinded, and a similar order issued by tho Austro-Hungarian Government is to be revoked. Mr. John A.

Tyrrell, ope of.ho most prominent business men and iinnncicrs of Chicago, died Friday. Ho came to Chicago ia 1847 and was seventy-one years of age. The lumber yards of B. and J. Gadlnns.

at Tonawanda, N. wero destroyed by-fire Thursday night. The loss is estU mated as high as 1250,000, with 100,000 insurance. Tho new assessment roll of San Francisco real estate shows a total of 191, 540, -000, giving an increase over last year of $18,000,000. The personal property assessment is fOOO.OOO.

in the United States and iti for sale by and town lots in Arndt's addition, lately lae nnn-Ft. CnlcaffO. flight of llinlon Miller, county treasurer. i3 I'lie aiaat Tlana and nana isna cine of female, especially (iysnietiorrii, a aanu manorrbaffla, as I have known of sever. prawn 1 rnporiurn in w.a Ho owcb the county $40,000 and private belonging to A.

G. Allen. Kelt. Katy rinnos, Eetny Prices. Esy lerais.

Send for IU.Cui.-U-.ia parties tin, ooo more, iha county safe, imporvknl cast, tn-aled there s-uceessluily. kiduey chronic or acute, lu all druggists throughout the world Price (H uU a buttle, a (in runt ail. In Older to give at a ehauce to test it, when opened, contained nothing of value. Property in Deere and disease, and it ha, been perfocllv sn.

Following on Treasurer Comb's defalca cs-fnl iu sevcial ca.i thai c. nio under Nicollet tion and imprisonment last year, it is hart Kmc, i'om- for. Perfect MecuH-ty nnl t-iire American Institute of Education. Bciu.iNOTON, July 9. Yesterday's exercises of the American institution of Instruction, which are the last of tho convention, wero opened by Thomas Emerson, superintendent of schools at Newton, With a paper on "Free Text Books." Tho gentlemnn said that there wero twonty Stats which had yet made no provision for free school: books, and it) seven others the laws allow cities and towns their option in the matter.

Phila lelphia has furnished free text-books for seventy years. Maine was tho first State to do this, and in Massachusetts II Is compulsory to furnish Dr. McGlynn's tCxcomiuunlaatlaq. NewYdhk, July 9 A local paper says it has it on the bc-st authority that tho formal notice of excommunication was handed to Dr. McGlynn in Milwaukee July RUPTURE obstrvaliou; ami from what I have.

wiivv in s. if, I belive ii tu be Invaluable lie kruat meut of insanity. to find now treasurer, as bondsmen can and thus be convinci of its womletful AIho a valuable farm, uuder cultivation not bo obtained. Miller's bondsmen arc trying to avoid liability. To make matters Kespe.

tflllW, EHOL'U vUSK. M. 1. to- i the city rif Greeu Bay. I)K.

ANDEM SAYS: Curative powers, Dr King's New Discov-eiy for Consumption, Coughs nod ('olds, will he, for limited titue, giveu This offer is not auly libjsrWli tmt snows All thi property may be seen on maps OrbCrTUBK. PBIHCIPLS. Parker Retentive Tra S100 Reward more desperate Prosecuting Attorney Vance has absconded, having been detect The my ofiiiv. From the Kveniug Wi.con.iu.1 I have, ecu ce. of chronic rheiiuiail.aa.

al rne of llurc Send for "The Kntionnl mom 01 RsstBrs llla.trated SI itaaea: Inc. Cured paralj sla, diabetea, K.iKhi'. old chrome nicer, ar-d iovsaUy. al li. unbounded faith iu tho merits of this gnat remedy.

All who suffer from Coiiohs, Coldw, Coumimplion, Asthmn, CM If BAKER. (3 l'o Ihi cnirereri. it point out the roud to Hue re INTER-STATE COMMERCE. lief nod HOfl'lve cure. COMMON SKNK Hanson 's For ml a.ulo indam matory diKaaee.

su.b a. dImu In rKI'SS i Slate Street, liieaito, li- t'liargred with Holding Wheat In the ed bribing jurors. On Trial for Killing His Sweetheart, LiTTi.n Hock, Juno 9. Tho trial of Dolla Heniby, son of old Sarso Chu-Fuer, hoad chiof of the Clio Cherokee nation, for the murder of his sweetheart, a girl of the Choctaw tribe, in September last, is now in progress here. The tribes have had many fights on account of this murder, and it is estimated that at least one hun and iti.

the nuil crlaiu aud Halt trealmi ul and it Is lalmvd, aad I bviiew ju.tly the iw-st ststeiu of IKaiHiebl torall eruptiv. terest of the Chicago Corner. asbisotox, July 9. Nelson Derby ut, eases, scjrlet uteaslea, and small lioi Collars Cliffs CELLULOID I have kno -ii many ehiloreii treated ibero fo- 4, and that it will bo road ia all of the OBSPOtes of the dioceso next Sunday. Archbishop Corrigan refused to either affirm or deny the truth of the report.

It FOR SALE acarlclloa, r.u a ad vrboouini: coutii am! will, the be-t HMiPi. I hrou.c ui.rrbu.-a ant and W. M. Holbrook, of Pembina County, 1). who recently made a tjomplaint to the Inter-State Commission agaiust tha St.

Paul, Manitoba railroad, in respect to which a hearing has been or ly- entcrv are easily Sold by Retailers. at Ihe veTy start tif the lulia course they rade nv 1 sanorn Co. BV dered, have sent to the commission a Jong document to be considered a9 evidenco at Si 143 5th Av, Chicaee. run. The effect iu luug.

di.eaes is very remarK alile. 1 have eu patients far none in t'OUeeaap tlou re.torcd very cumloruble liualth hy a few weeks' realdeoce at the Thermo Tbtrajni' I cal it the thermal treatment, hut it i not beat the Turkish to.ib, timuuh heal, water aa the hearing. Its purport is that the road refused cars upon various pretexts for the timely transportation of Dakota wheat. electro ity aie the pi relied it)iu Bronchitis, or nuy affecliou of Throst, Chest or Lungs, are especially requested to call at 3. Robinson's Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle Free, Large Bottles 81.

RENEWS III 01 Til. Mrs, rinelie Cheney, Peterson, Clav Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched tor by the residents of the town: "Inns 75 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness form iuy years; could Dot dress myself without help. Now I 11 tu free from all pain and soreness, and nm able to do all mv own bonsework. I owe toy thanks to Electric Bitters for huviny renewed my youth, and removed Completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c. at J.

Robinson drug store. UurntfH'M ArttUm salrr. The beat salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Clccrg, Salt liheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Cbapiied Hands, Chilblains, Corns, nnd all Skin Eruptions, mm WHOM SI, ur Tuinsini co.ueAIln with the oirer pon eifn I il ai! el, at l. niiiiaiid the institution. Bill Us lever Iti, The true reason for the refusal, it is averred, will be found to bear some connection with the ropent wheat speculations iu Chicago, the country wheat being lfept back until its delivery could be made serv ni.

used, bl, siiceer. in curlliJ Coniulicatis Pill RllHtiil at. rases is i ii rejoin I bave ee known in ki -in ral practice, or lu auy other curar live iu tut. coun'ry, duilug fort, vears' experience iu the practice of medicinev daw WM. L.

I aNDKK. M. i. also says that minor communication will bo meted tut to all Catholics who utton future meetings of Mcdlynn'i Anti-Poverty Society. A Victory for Adam BadMOa Niw YoitK, July I -Judge Wallace on Thursday, in tho Un.ted States Circuit Court, handed down adociaion In the case oi the United Stales KgaiAAt General Adam Badeau.

Suit was brought to recover 110,673. Oi, which it was claimei he had kept while Consul (Janata) at London. The result was a verdict in favor of General lialcau. The case will probably bo carried to the Supreme Court of the United States. A Dying Man Lyaohad in Oregon., July 9 Oscar M. Kelly, a business man, who mupderc I his wife because she refuse I to live with him, was taken from jail hero Wednesday night and hanged. When ho hoard the lynchers in the prison yard ho broke his lamp ami with pieces of the glass gashed his throat, wrists and ankles, and was dying when taken from his cell. iceable to tho speculators, which course of procedure proved ruinous to the farmer. In TIIK Hed by a Bee-Stlng.

Middlbtows, N. July 9 John D. Sliortest line Van Gorden, 09 years of age, of Dingman's Ferry, Pike county. was killed by a bee-sting on the wrist Wednesday morning. In a few moments after he was stung the pain became so intense that he started for tlio house.

As ho entered the door be from (reeii Bay AND ALL POINTS IN EASTERN WISCONSIN TO and positively cut en Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents er box. For sale by J. Robinson groaned i "Oh, I am going to die!" and immediately espired, Ho was a prominent citiicn of Pike county.

Philipp Klaus, Agent. Tho nslow House, corner of fVJaln and Monroe Av. The residence of the late 3 nator T. O. Howo, Main reet.

Threo houses on Monroe Avenue. Three Handsome Lots on Monroe Avenue. Also some nico Lots on (Main, Pine and Cherry Sts. Lots 1,2,3, Block 49, Aster Heights. Lots 5,6, 7, I II, Block 45, iSstor Heights.

Two brick blockson Washington Street. And all the Lands belonging to the Newberry Estate. daw dred warriors have boon slain. AH leading braves and chiefs of both tribes are in attendance. Heavy Failure In Milwaukee.

Milwaukee, July 9. The White-Hill Sewing Machine Company has confessed judgment for $40,000, which will probably result in closing up the works and throwing 15'J hands nut of employment. Tho liabilities will exceed $100,00.1. Fqr four years tho lactary manufactured sowing machines, but the company lost heavily, and for a year past has been manufacturing agricultural machinery. This has also proved a failure.

Death of a Defaulter. Boston, July 9. Word has been received from California announcing Uoath in tho uorthorii pari of that State of Daniel Emmons, who was treasurer of Everett, until seven years ago, when ho fled, leaving a deficiency in his accounts of about $81,039. Nothing has been heard of him until the announcement of his death was received. He was sev cnty-five years old.

Tramps Sentenced. Ci-evei-and, July 9 About three weeks sineo fourteen tramps woro near Canton, where they had terrorized farmers for several days. They were subsequently indicted under tho tramp law and a tost case was made. Thursday they wore founl guilty and twolvc of them wero sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the penitentiary. Conkllng Eulogizes Urant Chicago, Ju'y 9 Hon.

Hoscoe Conkling was tendered a reception Thursday night at tlio quarters of the Grant Club, on Washington boulevard. The distinguished guest made a brief address which consisted wholly of an eulogy of General Grant, During his remarks he made not the slightest reference to politics. Tho club eloctod Mr. Conkling an honorary member. June Fires.

New YoitK, July 9. The Commercial The breath of a chronic catarrh patient is often so offensive that he cannot go NKV LONDON. BTVBN8 POINT. JiulletiH's fire record shows th largest fire W'AI SAC, tiltANI) UAPIDS, I. A CltOsMK.

vYIN'ONA. into society and he becomes an object of disgust. After a time ulceration sets in, the spongy bones nre attacked aud frequently entirely destroyed. A constant NEII.I..SVII.I.K, EAU I.A1HE. STll.I.WATEIt, III DiON, loss of any Juno on record, excepting June, 1S77, the month of the great lire at Bt.

John, N. B. The total Is against $9,750,003 for June, 1886, and larger than the average of June fires for source of discomfort is the dripping of ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, the puerulent erections into the throat the ten years previous to 18S by noarly THE OLD RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE or Haupt Co. OFFEltS Fine Goods Plain and Fancy Furniture, Bedroom Bets, Parlor Sets, Easy Chairs, Rockers, Luuukos, Ottomans, Mirrors, Writing Desks, Ete.

RATTAN GOODS. tTA. LARGE SELECTION tip PRESENTS. and all point. In $4,000,000.

Jtoyalty at a I'tiinmeiicemont. London, July 9 Princess Victoria, wife of the German Crown Prince, yesterday presented tho commencement pr.zes at the Norwood School for tho Blind. United States Minister Phelps was present and made an address. He eulog zed the svf-tem which qualified those deprived of sight to earn a living and receive an cdu cation. Thousands Drowned.

London, July 9. Tho Wenchow river In China has overflowed its banks, submerging miles of territory, and thousands of persons arc believed to have been drowned. The city of Chuchow is submerged and the inhabitants have taken to boats. sometimes producing inveterate bronchitis, which in its turn has been the exciting cause of pulmonary disease. Tho MINNESOTA and DAKOTA.

Fatal Flames. London, July 9. A farm-house at Ard- brilliant results which attended its uso nahoe, Buteshire, Scotland, was destroyed by fire Thursday night, and threo women for years past properly designate Ely's Crelim Balm as by far the best and only real cure. and four men servants were burned to death. Day Bide Nothing like it for purity, full 10 oan- BETWEEN ccs, and the nest wasiier on tiie continent Old Country Soap.

daw THE MAEKETS. Grain and l'rovialons. CHICAGO, July a FI-OUB-Market firm. Winter, $3.00 4.35, BOTTLED BEER of il. Ruhr A Son's Brewery GREEN BAY AND ST.

PAUL. Spring, Patents, M.O0A16A; Ryo Save if. If you wish to save money call st Flour, Wiibat Market quiet and steady. No. Follett Tin Shop, for your Tinware or BY- Close Connections and Quick Time.

See that your ticket, read via Spring cash, TOVa70'c; August, 72'aF2Xc; September, December, Ta79o. Machine Shops lturned. FiTTSBUHOri, July 9. Tho machino shops of the Pittsburgh Lake Erie Railroad Company at Charticrs, Wat burnedThursday night. Loss estimated at partly insured.

The fire will throw 5X1 men out of employment. Hack at Ills I'ost. SpRiNi ield, July 9 Governor Oglesby arrived here yesterday from Kentucky and resumed the duties of the Kx-ecutive Department. Lieutenant-Governor J. C.

Smith has been officiating during his absence. CotiN Market easy. No. 2, HM9MUS; No. H.

VAN DEUREN. Pumps, bis motto being quick sale with small profit. Shop on Main street, near Reis' Hotel. Those dollar lots of assorted tinware are the biggest bargains out Yellow, Ti3'c No. 2, July delivery, 3a Cteon Bay, Winona St.

086V4c; August, Wto; September, 374 a Charities and Corroetions. Omaha, July 9. The fourteoath National conference of Charities and Corrections will meet here August 25 and remain in session until tho 31st. The meeting will bo held in the opera-house and Exposition Building. It is expected that every Stato will send a full complement of delegates and that Canada will also be repre sontod, Koaeiusko'a Will.

Washington, July 9. The will of Thad- Xc; October, 37H38c; Maj-, 895ia40c. Oats Market ouiet. No. 2 cash and Julv Paul Railroad.

H. W. CHAMPION, Pass. Agent, Urcu Day, Wis. delivery, KWaffiKc; Aueist, sr.iSSC'ic; Set- LEGAL BLANKS wSSMo samples higher.

No. 3, 2ta Not .10 1' ears Old. But a new discovery is lloff's Balsam 29c; No. 8 White. No.

O. CAMPBELL, according to quality. 1 Manager, Hay. Rys Quiet and steady. No.

2 cash 1 ron)i respectally announce to the public that 1 have taken charge of the Rottlini? Department oftbo brewery of II. Kalir Son's and am pre rurv-H in rrmn.ii the rtnbtlr with rbnf wplt known AT rmvK. July, 48c; sample lots of No. 2, for the troat and lungs. It has aud docs cure contracted consumption; cures coughs, colds asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat aud lung troubles, for a deus Kosciusko has been unearthed iu tho ofilco of tho Register of Wills of the Dis Laborers Iladly Injured.

New Orleans, July 9. The walls of the Werlin Hall, which was burned last Friday, fell Thursday, burying beneath them eiirht laborers, three of whom were dan BABLEY Easy. No. 2 September, 05c; Oo- LV. B.Coffeen, M.

tober, 65J4c; cash market nominal. trict of Columbia. Thomas Jeff ersoa, tho speedy cure, it has no equal. Money re Mrs Pork Onlet snrl Tiriees steady. executor afterward Prcsidont was au In order to clo.e out the of Leca! nTarT i The Oazittx will sen all Blank, on baud at1 funded it it tails to cure you.

lT, is. iu. Beck, our popular druggist has secured the solo agency for it Price 10c, 50c and 81. n-xceiietit- Beer in bottle mid also in keir. for family line.

My l.iip-ini place in opposite Rahr'e Brewery on East River. The beer will he deliv-erl at, as ordered Orders may be left in the store of (J .1 VAN BUIREN At HON, daw Opposite (ireen Bay Bonsc. Quotations ranged at (15.00 10.00 for cask and fl8.0O17.O0 for July. Labo Quiet and prices easier. Quotations ranged at 8.37!-J5u.40 for cash and July; 6.42M&6.45 for August, and for September.

gerously injured and may die. Death of an Ohio Centenarian. Toledo, July 9. John Downey, a man aged 104 years, a resident of East Toledo, died Thursday morning. Uo was, without doubt, tho oldest man lu Northwestern Ohio.

GREATLY REDUCED PRICES thorized to uso tho entiro property in purchasing and freeing negroes and giving them an education. Jurors Discharged. Chicago, July Tho throe suspected jurors Jn the county commissioners' boodle ease have been discharged, and the number of jurors secured is now reduced te uve. all the others. Fairbank's Soaps lend The beat is the cheapest.

HT.U SPECIALIST. PAINLESS! Rectal Trralniil! PAINLESS! All diees.e. of the Rectum treated by the palnle.s method. AX fJANK OF without hire i.iga I aau i a Ara.thetic. II.

ililinvAJl orrhatre Dancer or BF. Cl itFD! Delay from biisiLeaa! Call at OAZKTTK OPTICS joii l. f. mmi MANUFACTURING JEWELER, New York, July 8. Wheat 54'iC higher and firm, but only moderately active.

No. 2 Red July, 6s1zs7e August, 85U85Sc; September. 85 13-lCiiH6c; October, 87087J4C; December, 8H89 1316c; May, Cobs 4ic higher and firm. Mixed Western spot. 4546e; futures, 44', 4Sc.

Oats A trifle better. Western, 3S41c. Provisions Beef dull. New Extra Mess, 8.50. Pork firm; New Mesa, I15.0O&15.SO; Old $14.514.75.

Lard easier; steam-rendered, $190 Wit. The Heat on Kitrtli' Can trnlv be said of HofTs Balsam for the throat and lnnjrs. It is curiDg and has cured more cases of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, ctonp, and all throat and luug troubles than any other medi' cine. The proprietors have authorized H. M.

Beck our popular duggists to refund the money te any party who has taken of a bottle without relief. Price 10c, 50c and SI. Office Over 221 N.Washington Green Bay. P.O.Box 71. Ft.

Howard. A. UELF0R0E North End Wa.hlngton 8trcot. WATER CONNKCTieXM, HTEAM IIFATIIVO. Service Pipe, laid from water main, to Real dencea or and all water ronnectiou.

made. Ordei. lent throntrh Po.t Office or left at opposite Beaumont House, promptly attended to. A. DKI.FOROK.

-AND- Decreased Imports and Exports. London, July g. British trado reports for June show a decrease of 1,550,000 in imports and of in exports, as compared with the corresponding month of last year. A Town Destroyed. London, July 9.

The town of Nagy Karolyi, Hungary, was destroyed by a hurricane and waterspout Wednesday night The site of the town and the adjoining district were converted into one vast lake. Many persons lost their lives. The people of the town belicvol the day of judgment had Coffee-Grlndlug Mill Horned. Lynn, Mass July 9. H.

B. Newhall's spice and coffee-grinding mill in East Sau-gus was burned yesterday morning. Tho mill was owned by C. A. Sweetser, of Cliftonville, and valued at 18,009.

Mr. Uewhall estimates bis loss at $3), 000. Fairbank's Soaps makes aud white. No yellow The use of clothes cleau tinge. UHt IoumncgH.

Wc have Icfted Its virlnes, perionlly, and know that for Dyspepsia, Iliilionsness aud Throbbing llcadurbe, it is the beet medicine the world ever saw. We tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, but none of Ihein jja.e us more than temporary relief; the Regiilstor not relieved but cured us. II. II. Ed.

Tclegrnph anil MflSSSpgffr Macon, Oo. If tlif fiiijf rrer from Voiwumptiott, Scrofula, and General Debility, will try Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophospbites, they will find immediate relief nud a permanent benefit. Br. H. V.

Mott, Brentwood, writes: "I have used Scott's Emulsion with great advantage in cases of Phthisis, Scrofnln and Wasting Diseases generally. It is very palatable." Official Notice. Published bv authority of the Common Council of the City of Orcen Bay NOTICE TO BRIDGI BCILDEH4. Sealed proposals will be received at the office or the city alerkuf.ald city, until Friday, July I7ih, 1RRT, for the construction of an iruu draw, com plete, on Main Street Bridge over Ka.t River, In city, iu of the wooden draw thereon, aaid draw lobe about 1 16 feet in lenKthaodlS feet 10 Inche, in width, outside of chord, with wagon road lo center and foot walk ont-aide of chord. Plana and mint accompany each hid, alto a bond lu the penal or oiie hundred dollar.

condi tioced that If the bid ia accepted the bidder will enter Into contract pursuant thereto The Conncil te.erve, the right to reject any and all O. B. BRICK, City Clerk. Oreen Bay, Jnly rib. 1SHT Gen mi sin en mm PiM next to ltbotle's Drugstore CITY NIGHT SCAVENGER.

An one requiring the teyyices of night ai etiger, csu llnd them by addresalag "Box 8 I' i Green Iam a regular licensed alirhl acayencer. and will do all work entrusted I uto ou handf Ith prom pi nvsa and sail tfartlS Live Stock. Chicago, July a Cattle Market rather dull and weak, owing to liberal supply. Quotations ranged at t3.75Q4.50 for good to extra Shipping Steers; 18.003.70 for common to good $2,7543.75 for Butchers' Steers: for Stockers; $2.5003.25 tor Feeders' tt.UO&3.50 for Texaas; Il.75fc3.00 for Cows, and 1.752.75 for inferior mixed stock and Bulls. Hogs Market active and firm, and prices well maintained.

Sales ranged at for light; for rough packing, and for mixed and heavy packing and aaioDing lot. tut n't Sloe ii Nights is the complaint of thousand suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Kennedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on a positive guarantee at 10o. 50c. at DON'T GET LEFT! by the train: Take McKooe Snavels Hack.

The charge, are only andcarrlee vour trunk free. Telephone connection, t-ood In coujunctlon wfth hotel. MrKOXK SNAVgLV, J. Robinson's..

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.