Urbana Citizen and Gazette from Urbana, Ohio (2024)

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Rates of Advertising Ifctaiw tfitaCT awl Owzcllr SI 00 Citizen Steam Job Printing Offiee URBANA CHAMPAIGN COUNTY OHIO OCTOBER 28 1875 VOLUME 38 NUMBER 33 WHOLE NUMBER 1957 Entrance North Side Third National Sank THE WELCOME ALL CITY BUSINESS DIRECTORY CENTENNIAL ODE The all! the all the vele me all! BV MRS SARAH B'llTOX thread lurked lja'2S ly HUM! NO RUSteULl tinu of real is a waiter employed in restan ollieial note front the Register of Wills in GEO A WEAVBB GROCERIES OKS AT LAW Offl II IONli THEO CHENEY col i 1 11 I Ell I (A Not i ces DI STAPLE i ANCY GROCERIES dispute National Bunk HI now GO TO otne tit* ly Coffee Sugar 11c per pound 5 OU at A Little of The Mammoth Grape Vine The viable lit ti the armers of 'fork pression that ever brightened a human face rom Eastern hills that kiss the rosy dawn 1 Io roipipstod I 25 cents air will) the beauty of eternal youth PAPER (irr Citizen's National Bank Urbana i inuiilli: Ih'i irail lirt '1 hiuslny find riday iu Mote 11 Bread Upon the Waters CHOICE COEE to 28 cents A HEL DK prudent ion could control mv SPRING TRADE Notice to Teachers nivvu it ooms I AV GRIITH ELLIS CO GKOCSB1ES ARE NOW RECEIVING A MAGNIICENT ASSORTMENT waiting fur you to throw her arms round yer oreign and American Woolens thing $4500 and Embracing Novelties and Many CM If EK Not to be found elsewhere you Griffith Ellis Co MERCHANT TAILORS Grain 1 I Ell i AND PROPRIETORS THE CHEW A MUZZY How cool your hand feels 11 Htnblea oo Urbana One Price Clothing House BARRENS BUY WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE CHEAPEST Ext Carnis ij A As he looked at them a tremulous voice Ikulcids ci Gm 5 SAGINAW LUMBER YARD 5 Corner Ward and Russell Streets IS THE OK Ti I 1875 BUNNELL DEALER IN Urbana Aug 20 1 S75 between the GRANITES 9 CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! hsts swaying Clocks Jewelry EAVE ORDERS sd ITSIER CHANCE'S WHEELER WILSON AND NEEDLES HER VO US COMPLAIN TS '11 'The lawver took the matter in k's store Hat ever brought is marie succumb We can square 3 mouth: 1 square months 5 oh SlfO 3 5 man sit id have it this ill tempered which is the second largest in and bids fair in a few years to size and fruitfulness of the old 1 manage the mill and the mint: I hammer the or1 mid turn the wheel C5 12940 831 400 VOC told the young man again Candidates (subscribers) each (non subscribers) each A re the Go and see the latest style Hats at (i Emporium of ashions he followed her out Evon the subdued snicker behind him make him look meaner who lived in Scotland sat onii at a kettle of boiling water a 1600 23HO Stationery Only the issuesan! products of excessive drink ing of tavern or ale house drinking an experiment I have he wrote cannon and tilled it three fourths full of water stopping firmly up both the touch the hatchet I Erectly the if he knew sidling him there while Summer liis bliss i spoil Blest season I Kindliest of Hie year Without thee wretched sad and drear l4 column 6 months column 1 year column 3 months column 6 months a column 1 ear 1 column 1 month I column 3 months 1 column months 1 column 1 year JUW60 IM) 12500 HMM) (Ml 1 (It I (Ml 15? 2 GO 300 name thought no more of him than of ai other remote progenitor About two vu: sensation was that of in the blood rushed in angry check and brow and he fist impotuntly in the direc But in ia Chiu Office is Unu ancj from non th dec4 He made some tew inquiries ol the hoy and left him without as much as thanking him for the honest act ami the storation of his There having been a large advance in Coffee in Brazil and also in New York and an advance ini Gold we have been obliged to advance our prices at retail on BOOK AND JOB PRINTING A 1 BUTCHER ejectment from lie house he occupied but on the strength of his letter from Denmark he was able to borrow enough money to transport himself ami family to Copenha gen ami maintain himself there until the in felt in his pocket that partly roasted around the thighs she pulled him the stove but held on to him until he had paid back every one of the install ments and then she gave him two time to take the machine and clear out with it The name of tlie plucky woman and also that of the agent are withhold by special re Rochester Deniocrut and Chronicle stallments He had paid nearly the entire sum when he died and the widow was un able to make up the balance The agent All Kinds of Limestone work fur nished on Short Notice t'KBASi Ohio and Court Suaeu nugifiU GOWKT GOWEY PHYSICIAN Urba sa On io Italian and American Marble rugal and self reliant wise and good With sinews knit by toil to hardihood With genius to devise and will to du earless of danger to his conscience true He was withal aslauiich republican Who in despite of very bar and ban Stood forth to rights of man While lordly rulers watched with jealous eye And grudging sympathy his certain rise And failed to comprehend the grand intent Of what thev called wild He threw iris starry banner tv the breeze Sent out his armed ships to foreign Hurled back invasion with an iron hand And lion heart from his beloved land Maintained the right against tyrannic wrong Made hie defenses and his bulwarks strong And taught all men upon the hind ami sea To treat is stars ami stripes with courtesy Meanwhile he made just laws to govern all His numerous children whether great or small A hush fell upon the corner grocery as she walked in with a shawl over her head and brought him one on the side of the head that sent his cares Hying and upset his co*ck tail Neither of them spoke a word but lie AT LAW' ill practice in the State special atieaiiOB ion business er champaign 5a SEWING MACHINES As low as any Jewelry store in Urbana No uxuep lions as a Watchmaker lie is not excelled by any one in Urbana A portly magistrate of Glasgow having one Sunday in Summer found his way to the parish church of Govan overcome by the heat of the weather fell fast asleep during the sermon In the middle of the discourse a dog which had got into the church most opportunely set up a howl said the minister dog instantly helll waken the uiayistrate' her claim in person as soon as possible Knoehenduppul lived in indigent circmn stances in Hoboken with his wife two chil 'honuments Headstones Hearths BureaCi Table Stand and Counter Tops timony against strong drink: place of judicature which I have long held in this kingdom has given me an opportunity to observe the original cause of most of the enormities that have been com mitted lor the space of twenty sears and by due observation I have found that the mur ders and manslaughters and burglaries and robberies the riots and tumults the adulter ies fornications rapes and other enormities that have happened in that time were livi four thousand li ve mid red dollars in nation al currency It so happened that not a great wavs behind him walked a lad young liar s' 111 I I lllii M'i fasten down the lid and stop up the nose lie concluded that the vlieet would be to burst the kettle How much power then there must be in he thought In the year 1S07 Robert ulton an Amer ican put the first steamboat on the Hudson at Kalamazoo Michigan sends that paper i the following account of an incident I hat nr tain key and by a earetui observation of this rule 1 have entirelv mastered mv natural would be glad if you would buy gen tlemen for my need is very great 1 have a sickly daughter at home who must be about your was the sharp rejoinder let you in you see you are not wanted The voice seemed to strike a responsive chord in the rich man's heart surely he had heard its mild tones before He partial ly opened the door and called out sternly: show the gentleman in if you Thr following story is told as a remarkable instance of the appreciation of humor: A German soldier was ordered fifty lashes for some alledged act of insubordination ritz disciplined to silence was fixed to triangles in the presence of his company When the first lashes fell upon his naked shoulders the worthy fellow instead of displaying evi dences of distress burst into a tit of uncon trollable laugter 'The executioner regard ing this manifestation as by no means com plimentary to his skill laid on with re doubled ardor But the more he laid on the more ritz laughed When cut down he still found great dilliculty in restraining his mirth and indulged in loud intermittent guffaws The officer in command of this company with a curiosity naturally excited approached and inquired the cause of the mirth replied ritz breaking in to a fresh fit of laughter the wrong man 1 and provided by will that neither prin cipal nor interest should be drawn for 100 years Long before the expiration of time the singular provision was for KANK HOUSTON JAS A M'LAIJ RANK HOUSTON CO WHOLESALE GROCERS I'RBANA OHIO large sear on his forehead saying is your sabre mark boy come up and take a And so then and there they deco rated the grave of the buried hatchet Llupd that produces the disease DI I'HTIIERTzV is ribbed of its terrors with a bottle of Curative at hand as it destroys the virus and prevents the formation of the poisonous patches It cures DYSPPSIA as it prevents acid fermentation of the food and promotes digestion cures that mor first dignant wrath Romance in a Restaurant In the year 1773 there died in the city of Copenhagen an eccentric merchant who had cd through all the countries of Western rope and that one had found her way America The latter was Mrs Julius Knw euduppul a native of Hamburg who cai 1 Mitin Siivct opposite EirM Church Kei Jivhec No 12 West Ward blrvet Especial at tention paid to the treatment of Chroni l)etue After a long am! bitter light saloonist Corbin and citizens of the former has been compelled to the oressure of public opinion not help but admire the bravery of the citi zens who for so many weeks perset eringly fought to abate a nuisance that would have been a constant source of annoyance to them anil their children The moral senti ment of the world will say that it is better that one man should sink than that an en tire community should be made to feel the woes of the dram shop Marysville Tribune ALLEN PROPRIETOR of the Star Shaving baloou under National Bank corner Munmnent Square and North Main Street Kull force of good Special attention paid to kJ air my he said laying a silver dollar in the band palm will set you up again No thanks the money was intended for some piece of extravagance and I choose to use it thus But remember this my buy: when you ate pushed down in the race stop to rub your bruises Every visitor to Southern California written about that largest grape vine in world which lately grew near Santa Barbara I sav latelv for it grows there no longer It How He Did It There is enough for a volume or a sermon in the following little incident and we ear nestlv commend it to all atllicteil with a Lad DEALEKS ill HOI'ilH AND DRESSED LUMBER LA'IH SHINGLES Ace ftud manufacturers of Sti sb Boors Blinds Dour and Window raiues near RnilrtHid Depot such Mr Ari't watched the proud turn of that gray head with a singular smile then sitting down to his desk he wrote otl a check and handed it across the table i thousand dollars faltered the old man as be read turning red ami white in a breath He held it toward the banker i I hoped you were too much of a gen tleman to make sport of age and distress Is there anything to jest about in my want I at all sir You spoke of a sickly daughter 1 have a cottage vacant just out I side the city with a fountain grounds and If you and your daughter will while the children si reamed and cried The widow threw the agent over the hot kitchen stove and finally succeeded in down on top of it and held him he begged piteously for mercy sake let me go and pay you cent your husband paid How an Honest Boy was Rewarded to make a last effort the junker cal ltd at I is office mie morning and inquired of the ser vant if liis uiastei was at home The mer sbook his small tion which the fat man had taken an instant a feeling of forlorn wretchedness came over no tempting bit of cake no purple grapes for poor Katy perhaps not even a supper for he knew that his wages must go towards the rent of the room They depended entirely on his exertion for their evening meal and the sun was declin ing in the west already The reflection was too much for his boyish heart and he was sobbing violently when a gentle hand was laid on his shoulder He started up and before him stood a pleasant looking gentleman who watched the whole lire under it within twenty four hours it I Drink and Crime Sir Matthew Hale one of the oldest Chief North ICesf Side Mon ument Square July 2D IS7N tf had occasion to examine certain old dot Encouraged science hulustry and art In field anl forum factory mine and mail And won from winds and waters sun and suit A wholesome competence by honest toil And soon the shadow of oppression's night Rolled buck from sky there wm light'' His fame went out to countries far away Where kings and kaisers held despotic sway A nd many an eager heart and sial wart arm orsook the ancient shop the outworn farm And ventured all upon the wild sea foam To find in land a home Ami by degrees the selfish Old World grew Into fraternal feeling with the New Until the children of all climes all lauds Beneath the stars and stripes strike friendly hands And as our hero prospered down the years Beyond all human hopes all human fears He bought broad lands toward the setting sun And added States to those already won Surveyed his coasts and meacured mountain chains Mined yellow gold from prolific ostered all learning with a liberal baud And built grand thoroughfares throughout the land ettered the steam and curbed its stubborn force To wing his ships and speed his iron horse The stale opinions of a primal day Aid wrongs that bore from ueeto age their sway Holding in leash the consciences of men Are vanquished by free speech free press free pen And the red lightning obedient slave Goes forth witli human thought through wind and a To every ocean continent and rliine With speed that laughs it space and outruns Time Only a hundred years have gone their way Since the young chi Id was horn that is to day A giant mighty honored ami renowned Admired and feared to earth's remotest bound On everjharreti coast and sea girt isle Where the waves murmur or the sunbeams smile Scotch and American joyous heart stopping to purchase the cher ished iih irsuls of fruit and cake on his way 'I'he gentleman walked leisurely up Broad way Seeing in a bookstore the title of a newly published work that he had desired to read liis footsteps involuntarily turned in that direction but in an instant he went on buttoning up bis pockets and murmuring to himself with a smile afibrd it one luxury in a day ought to be There was a vast between the man and child in their capacities for enjoyment but both were happy that night The supper was a joyful ceremony in the garret room that evening The grapes pleas ed delicate appetite to a charm and the story of the dollar was listened to with interest wish I could see the kind said the child earnestly would give him my beautiful rose if he liked She looked strangely beautiful that night her head resting on her brother's shoulder while Jamie fed her with the juicy berries one by one as a bird might feed its young how bright the color in your cheek cried Jamie believe you have been stealing the red shadows from your favorite rose Mother 1 am sure Katy will get well The next morning while yet the golden spear of sunrise was in rest among the pur ple hills Katy died thee I was naturally as hot and violent as thou art I knew that to indulge this tem She Got Even With Him They tell of a dow of Leesport who got the best heaven bless her! of a sewing machine agent Her husband sometime previous to liis death had purchased a ma LIOUIDEXTRACTOR CONTAINSBEEJUICETONICS IM PRO the nose His aunt thought be was idle and said: Is it not a shame for you to waste your time But James was not idle He was thinking of the power of the steam in moving the spoon James grew to be a good and great man and contrived those wonderful improvements in the steam engine which have made it so useful in our day What will not the steam engine do It I'rbaNa Ohio OICE In Kiiutiiuaii Nuhon'ii buikliug Monn nn iit Square nwZiH' During tlie past Hummer this well known House 1ms been re bllllt anil newly furnished throujrlioiit Every effort ill be made by the new proprietors to make all guests feel at home uu2G 3m BLOSE A EDMONDSON 1 KA IN DEA I EUS Crossing of Miami Street ami JI Pal the highest eurrent price forall lumja into her lonely lonely room that you said she softly as the door opened and it boy ol twelve came in Do you feel any better Katy? yon tired of being left And boy looked tenderly into her blue eyes parted the auburn hair from her forehead with a loving touch very but there is such a weary ach ing around my seems all on fire Jamie THE EXTREMELY LOW Eli ESI I MEATS 11 HOVEY A CO Dealers in RESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES No 17 North Main Street 1 1 ti' Bacon aiul all kirtdb ul Salt Al wall ai That Hower it had been poor com panion long Its royal beauty and luxuri ance seemed strangely out of place in the squalid low ceiled room yet it grew and flourished as if in the velvet sod of Beude meer's stream And little Katy lay back in her comfortless chair and looked at the splendid rose which quivered like a ruby drop among the leaves and watched the sunlight writing its golden message on the crimson folds of the blossom with a vague feeling of wonder It was so strange that the radiant sun whose glory lay on marble pillars and state vigorous effort however first with One man seemed to be doing most of the talking 11 is name was Sam I rig zles ID talked like a philosopher and the reporter or ST1MI LAXTS SPONGY OR JNIjAMEO GUMS are cured by a few applications Those who have used it have told its merits in stronger terms than we have ever used Price ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE Tf not for sale by your Druggists send us One lollar and we will send you a bottle by express prepaid LAWSON CHEMICAL 00 Cleveland Ohio occupy it rent free I shall be very glad to i have von take care of it for The old man stood white and breathless as if in a dream In an instant his band was taken in the clasp of the great banker friend my benefactor you have for gotten me but my youthful memory is stronger than yours Is it possible that yon have no remembrance of The old man shook his head drains it pulls it drives it blasts it digs it cuts it Raws it planes it bores it blows it forges it hammers it files it polishes it riv ets it cards it spins it winds it coins it weaves it prints atid it does more things than I think of cd and the owner thereof came together the horse was purchased bv the Vlt) man and then in a very quiet way was turned over to young Harris have and to as his own There was verv little said about Best and Cheapest Stationery your business affairs with every one you may elumce to know but in dealing with a confidential friend be perfectly frank Dis close the real motives of your conduct then those who difler from you may still respect you Nothing is more fatal to a fiiondslii than prevarication and deceit tell you no use talking The best thing a man can du is to git married Gimme three and lu von five beans Bein' HAITERSETT A HOVEY KOI RIES Also lea bi is in MEAT'S AND VEiETABLEte out with from NEURALGIA SCIATICA NERVOUS AND SICK HEADACHE relieved from pain in a few hours then perma and rolling against mossy crowds and loud dissonant a small bedlam around the docks and little Jamie wandered around ith liis board of fruit feeling very lonely and bewildered He bad piled up the golden oranges with their sunniest side upward he had polish the red cheeked apples until they shone like mirrors et nobody stopped to buy i you to the Astor Broadway in a twinkling1 your Tribune and Times Latest steamer from Europe Have a paper sir I Poor Jamie I amid all this tumult what observatory called for the machine ajd the widow de manded a portion of the money that bad been paid This was refused in a surly way Then the widow locked the doors of the house putting the key in her pocket and told the agent he could have the mai liim when he returned the money and not before took hold of says the account Rheumatism Neuralgia Sciatica and inilainmatory dDeasps Externally appli it gives immedetfe relief from pan 'Then one two bottles taken internally remove every ta of the disease Wc have cured Rheumatism Old has written with unerring hand A hundred yearn upon the sea ami land Has writterfon the pathway of the spheres Ami un the walls ol heaven a hundred years Since poor ami friendless feeble ami forlorn An infant nation die world wiw born England its mother blind with jealous wrath And fain to sweep the intruder from her path Loosed all her war dogs with its earliest breath To hunt it down and worry it to death The startled winds and waters swiftly 1xre rom land to land from distant shore to shore The muttered thunder of her lion's roar The Russian eagle flapped his sable wing And croaked it is a dangerous thing To break allegiance to a rightful Italia hid herself among her ilowen Hispania sneered is no quarrel of The Porte Sublime exclaimed from his il allah let him whip who Greece bowed and burdened could no succor give But old Helvetia cried I 'ire I't ufauf rirc" And rance by human sympathy beguiled Unfurled her jtrttr dt lis and kissed the child And brave men nursed him and liis spouse rs stood Through a baptism of tire and tears and blood Ay brave men nursed him with heart mind and strength Through nakedness and famine till at length How they Buried the Hatchet rom the Boston Herald The ilny following our centennial festivi ties the following incident occurred in a South End saloon A friend bad invited one of the South Carolina soldiers into the saloon to put another turf on the buried hatchet While standing at the liar a stranger came in The suddenly dropped his glass and closely eyed the stranger so steady and peculiar that the to be alarmed and to fear that was about to be dug up again Carolinian asked the stranger him There was no recognition whereupon tlie Carolinian asked him if he was not in the late war was tlie reply you were once stationed at sm a place stranger saw the boy again and got upon his wagon and rode with him Nothing was And this is the story of some hot water rom so small a beginning as the steam of a tea kettle resulted the steani engine the steamboat and the locomotive engine by which the trains of cars are moved with sui speed on all our modern railroads Hummel Crawford Co Lftteof Hummell HousnJOHN Ul'MMEIL Cltrks HENBY plants will be sorry to loam that he dean ler is a dangeroiis plant but so it is (Jhibb i have been poisoned by eating the Hower jetals catlie have been killed by browsing on the foliage a single drop ol the milky acrid juice that exudes when a twig or leaf is broken oil' may produce the death of an infant 4 he odor exhaled from the blossoms PALACE Springfield Ohio Sole Agent for Central Ohio for chance had he of being noticed He had picked out the very same bunch of grapes that be intended for Katy in win dow as he came by a plump apoplectic i bunch VHi ii'ty ul' Building linnlu mid Shingles and Lath way without a Jamie stepped person be saw a modest BENJAMIN cannot fail io aitrac and to meet their approval and held up his wares i an orange sir i Now as ill fortune possible customer CHAXCK i CHANCE A AT LAW Urbuua Ohio JEREMIAH DEUEL DKCKL DR LEE Has Lis ullice from Scioto Street to room lininpjiigii National Bank oil North Muto It li It A NS TL TER SARATOGA MILLS HA VI NG 1 1111g li my irtm r's inti rent ill Snintitga Mills I will i mitiiiiii In pay tlie highest price for good dry sound Wheal armers having old Wlmnt on hands will receive lor it Hie liigln si price the niiirket affords hy calling at tlie Mills lour and i of nil kinds for sale 1 KEEER If dC Qfii'i Day at home Terms free Ad MiUdress Stinron 4 Co Portland Maine IjaaB ly now Mrs said the counsel you be kind enough to tell the jury wliether your husband was in the habit of striking you with Will what Put out that i sir wus sir put out that now and thin but be struck me oftener wid bis passed through San rancisco yesterday mi its way to Philadelphia It is to be exhibit ed there during the Centennial This vine was dying of old age It had failed rapidly of late years and almost ceased to bear Hence the sacrifice on the part of the owner is not as great as it seems at the first blush And be has another vine called the young mammoth the world equal the mammoth The vine now on its way to Philadelphia is from sixty to a hundred years old Before it began droop its foliage covered an area of ten thousand square feet nr a quarter of an acre It produced annually six tons of grapes worth at the lowest rate paid by the wine makers one hundred and twenty dol lars The trunk or body of this vine was five and a half feet in circumference Eight feet from the ground it branched into twenty large limbs One of these limbs is twenty seven inches in circumference and is conse quently as large as the body of Queen vine at Hampton Court England which is the largest and most celebrated vine in Europe So the trunk of our mam moth vine is nearly three times as large as the largest vine in tlie old world But how are they taking this immense vine to Philadelphia It has been carefully that is cut into pieces which will go into boxes five feet wide and eight feet long There are seven of these great boxes When they reach their destination the trunk will be unpacked and set up and then the limbs and branches will be attach ed to it in regular order and the skeleton of the vine reproduced The foliage and fruit that made it so beautiful in its prime cannot of course be exhibited But the trunk and branches will give the visitors at tlie Cen tennial some idea of how things grow in California Corner Sixth and Main Sts Cincinnati 0 More solid comfort than yon can got for twice the money at any high priced House dangling tnim a crimson the sunshine lay full on the purple and amethvstie shadows its fullness of fruitage Just at pres i a jBt BG Ohio iu Aldna Building special ailcnlioii will given to col let litns tu eyaui ing examination of hi and Ucuieii i of estates All Business entnuted to him wiU ret eic prompt attention uc29 ly Ireland and tlie man was a prisonur A ket tle of boiling water was on the fire and he sat watching the steam as it lifted the lid of the kettle and rushed out of the nose He I thought ol the power of the steam and won It BOAL Dentist Urbana Ohio 01 over Wwer'i: Hardware Entrance angle of Monumem Square Special allee tioii given to tilling mitnrul teeth nep8 having a wife and home of his own be told Raise me ten eh? See it call Dammit got the pot Jim put a bit of ice in mine ani flash bitters Yes boys a a good thing! you bet your bottom dollar Whew! Ten to come in! All right Jim straddle your blind Now when a man through his day's Curative TAS been in ue smm fifteen years fur tho it? Are you willing I should leave you alone lor a little while Jamie I mind it she answered with a deep weary sigh be back as soon as possible And her wistful hollow eyes watched him from the room with that earnest startling look that we only find beneath the very nhadow of Death Down at the piers all was confusion and I je pIll( uproar busy passenge bloom among I ent the to imagination A Epitaph Here lies a place no impolitic stone To mark the head where weary il Is lainTie matter iu mission being To be distributed to dust again The but a type and head of man Whose impress is the deathless page Worn out the type is thrown to pi Tlie impression lives through an eternal age ter a while the gentleman noticed a very fine looking horse that was being driven along the street said he not that a pretty Advertisem*nts will be inserted at the following Rates: The moss of twenty years had gathered upon head stone the violets of twenty years had blossomed over her grave and it was a glorious autumn day whoseglit streamed along the busy thoroughfare and shone on the magnificent marble erec tion devoted to the extensive operations of the celebrated Bank of A splendid carriage cushioned with velvet and glittering brightly in the sunshine was drawn up opposite the door waiting to take the great banker to the palatial home The spirited horse foaming and prancing could hardly be curbed and the driver look ed wonderingly towards the door and marveled hy his usually punctual master did not come Mr Arnet stood in a little office opening from the main bank where the long rows of I clerks were bending over their desks He had been looking over a little pocket book which he always carried about him for some note or bill and as he turned its pages a bit of folded paper dropped out The banker opened it and although twenty years iiad deadened the first edge of his sorrow the tears rushed to his eyes as they fell on the contents A pencil sketch rude and unfinished of a meek browed child a lock of soft brown hair and that perfumed dust of crimson rose these were dearer to the banker than his vaults of yel It was a gloomy room in a clou ded ti iie ment house low narrow and unwholesome and a pale faced child was its only inmate She was a confirmed invalid yon might trace that in lieu hollow cheeks and the strange unnatural luster of her large blue eyes the flame was burning low on the altar of her chmish being yet here she was alone The old arm chair in which she reclined with one or two pillows and a rude pine box was the sole support of her tiny blue veined feet There was no carpet on the mouldering floor and in more than one place door and window had yielded to the remorseless hand of decay and presented a most dilapidated aspect Yet all the scanty furniture was arranged as neatly as possible and there was even some faint attempts at taste as in a bit of gaily colored chintz spread over the child's foot stool and a solitary Hower placed in the window seat where the sunbeams could touch its emerald On Saturday morning a stranger while walking upon the s'reets of our village drop ('ll lIKll II irll Hill il'H III i £4 i Quaker looking up toward him IL 17 calmlvsaid: friend lod put thee ill CITIZEN GAZETTE KVBRY THURSDAY BY Saxton Brand Otliee in rear of Third National Bank North Main Street Story of Some Hot Water About two hundred years ago a man bear ing the title of the Marquis of Worcester was sitting on a cold night in a small mean once been wealthy but whose fortune had niisuceesslul speculation neen reiluceil to JIOO rix dollars Two thirds of this amount The abashed clerk obeyed not without I surprise and the bowed old man with his heavy basket of strawberries came humbly into the private room of the great banker "Will you take a chair?" politely inquired Mr Arnet moving forward a luxurious faut ail The old man took otf his hat apologeti cally 1 fear that I intrude on your valua Tf t'rtH ii'iiiilri nnv miu nv burning from fruj( neressiiv you know is strong mid I was not always in BENJAMIN ibana Sept EVERY DESCRIPTION PLAIN and ANCY PRINTING MRS A HUMMEL' 1 BOUT AIK CKOIICKS Cl: A pg GALT 1 0 Agents for the best selling Prize All 1 JuU In the world Single piu'knge with eh'giint prize post paid for 25 or other novelties send stamp Address I GLI'CK New Bodford Muss sir that is a good one said tli press boy know about that can he he bought for do think asked the stranger horse is worth S200 but the who owns him will take $17o for Harris The two rode along a little futher when the stranger said is a tive dollar bill bring the man to me for I want to buy that animal The stranger then parted with his new ar quaintani'C telling him however where he could find him In a little while Harris the chine which by the power of steam drove up water to the height of forty feet About one hundred rears after this a lit THIS PHYSICJJNS Oft'THECURE OlNOi GESTI 0NG0HSTIPT I ON 0YSPEPS I A NEADACHEsRlLfSEM ale CHILDREN BLADDESTOMACHKIDNEY LIVER BLOOD APPETITEB GENERAL PR OS I RATI ON OJE THE NERVOUS SYST EM LAJWEBoTTEf S'SS1R it Si i 25 rti COR RICHAW0N tfTULL16CEPRDr3x 4 OfH A 4 PARAGON WRITING JAMBS IL PENCE It ARSH I PENCE MARSH CARRIAGE BUILDERS mind Katy been sawing wood and earned a whole quarter and am going to lay it out in apples and oranges to Bell down town 1'11 make a mint of money and then we have a good supper when mother comes home from work? 1 shouldn't wonder if we had a bit of cake and a bunch of grapes over and above the medicine the dispensary doctor ordered for Katy smiled and shook her head as if deprecating this piece of extravagance we will resumed her broth er? often we taste anything but dry bread and cheese and 1 haven't forgotten that your birthday sis ten years old to day Besides you need something to put a shade of color into these cheeks the doctor said you must have something to tempt your appetite" He bent down to kiss the marble forehead as he spoke "How lovely that rose is to be sure It's Designs for Stone Work I mil prepared to furnish designe for MouuQMmto Head atones Vaults Building ronts Ac SHOP Corner Church and Main ihrMte Urbana Ohio jlyaoty The Two Women who are Attracting Attention in Paris The weather continues to be perfectly charming and the Boisde Boulogne is rapid ly recovering his lost gaiety The drive around the lake is thronged every fashion able afternoon these being Tuesdays and ridays The live victorias and elegant lan daus of the deuii niondabws are of course among the most remarked Prominent among these is the superb equipage of the heroine of the Russian diamond scandal the notorious Mrs Blackford and her equally beautiful but less celebrated companion the heroine of a recent New York divorce suit or the honor of my country I grieve to say that these two handsome painted creatures are the most marked and talked about of any ladies in the same type in Paris Mrs Blackford has already avowed her intention of dethroning Cora Pearl and succeeding to her evil sovereignty Her portrait is in the window of every prominent photographer in Paris and her faultless figure long almond shaped eyes refined half melancholy ex I Carolinian ami raising his hat showed a pression and painted lips are already fa miliar to the loungers in the Bois de Boulogne or on the Boulevarnds She will be setting the fashion (Heaven save the ark for all virtuous Christendom in a few months in all probability Lucy Hooper's sitter to the Phil adelph ia Telegraph changed Listen he resumed with a bright earnest smile you any recol lection ol a iorlorn boy on a crowded pier whose little all was scattered by a rude i blow? Have you forgotten bis Have you forgotten that a kind stranger Stopped to comfort him not only by money I but by cheering it possible stammered the old man it is possible I am that iorlorn boy Your money which that night supplied my dying sister with luxuries and pleasures proved the sti pping stone to my princely wealth Sir I was a ragged friendless boy but my heart treasured up your kind words as priceless jewels and now the time has come when I may in some measure repay them with The old man moved his pale lips as though he would speak the banker resumed in stantly am alone in the world my mother is dead and my little sister whose last words were of your kindness has gon years ago to her eternal home I owe everything to you and now I have a favor to ask" favor and of me you will henceforth allow me to pro vide for you and consider me as your son My carriage is at the door and will take you wheresoever you wish to go But a moment He took a tiny volume from his breast bound in failed velvet with clasping of tarnished gilt book was my dead Bible it lay on her pillow when she died and since that hour it has been my constant com panion There is a passage here that has ever been present to my miiul since your kind deed gave hope and courage to my He opened the volume and through a soft mist of grateful tears the old man read the scripture words thy bread upon the waters for thou shalt find it after many Where are turned out the best of Sash Doors rames Blinds Ac I he work on which all guaranteed WILKIN Sunt 3m A CO Manufacturers of STOVES HOLLOW WARE A Miami Street oue square west of MmimjUNit would was a fat I pursv old man whose color had just been inflamed to fever heat by the inadvertent descent of a heavv hailed boot heel on his favorite corn At nil times he considered orange boys a nuisance but just now his slender quota of patience was entirely ex i hausted He aimed a muttered oath and a I furious blow at the fair haired boy and I rushed past to catch a retreating omnibus i Jamie sprang aside just in time toescape I the brutal blow but it descended full upon I his stock in trade scattering apples anil oranges far and wide He was standing close to the pier and most of the fruit flew into the water where it went bobbing up and down with the tide in a most tantaliz ing manner A few apples rolled under the feet of the crowd lint it was impossible to Dining and lunch rooms South ain Si rfet Near Monument Square WARM and MEALS served al all hour 1 CREAM Leumiirtde cigars spitixt n'Minw itutitiiEs North Leirislmrff Special attention paid REPAIRING OLD WORK hich will be warranted in ever) particular ly MrOOMSEY 21' 1K75 tl I THE Post Office foi: th ami ket pushing one to 2 jack knife which thee ulled heir to $SO000 and diieeted her to present i thev appear during the ceremony inquir ed a friend appeared both Annie mated and Bennie was the reply AND I OCNsEloK AT LAW Office struct opposite ('unit Hcmse Urbaua navlv ly JOHN A co*kWIN rbatiA 10 Monument Square 1S7I ly NOCK A RICH BERG ER Golden Voice BURDETT ORGANS DECKER Pianos Would man his trtul om 7 winters in amt worse to mun Then let us he glml each token and sign u' wcatherly intlu neo till combine i Offu Southwest corn Streets opposite Conn Ho 1 St HINjll'l lllitl HIV 'i'il'oit oi I 1 1 A Is at iiami to roiniuri ns tme anu un HV cud ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC i AM' GESKKAl At EXT JTi i a i nl 1 iu NV 1 1 ho si i) is (vt 1'hird National Rank North Main si a £oi ml of broad Bemuse light wh I ER GEIGER A RUSS it i iu i tit i i vs tiiti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ia it tl! in tlie A Coen ho rl icc i i a i and United Status Courts rireMwwfcKirg gi tin io oiler lion ami iidmitiisiiali 1 H' l'li I North Main street oi Tn irm are dwii into iihu fuel of 1 I til I I 1 1 Ill dB 73 i rinuHoiio piy waff ii 1 1 i 1 1 i iu it us win in I' I I 1 I 'I I xt I 1 mm' 1 A T'l L'' A i 1 i 1 :1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ig 1 1 1 i i a 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i' too i i i i 1' jA r' ERM A Clio i ui ran look on! a 1 1 1 i tur which wih bund sba lu trees utble and I freeze tin life out of posts nd JJKfX UAKSU Jlw Vgfl1 oO MHd 1 ElClliaH rir qfr i ko? Jgoy 3Rfld jT Kk 1 OICE Co uverS A Cl ERG YM 5 llip! jllst UHltml 1H liiariTagC jSr a couple whose Christian names were ru rrd spuctivelv Benjamin and Ann How did Szi 11 I'OKNh aprSm'i i 1 oU 1 THE ''oiinty Board oi bNamiii vfs ill hold exam i ua ioii' on the hist 'alurday of eticli month and every Saturday in April and Sep tember at the 'niral Ward School Building on East Court Street UrtiaiiH Examination rommem promptly at in A and no applicant will be exaiu i ued who not prv'vut at llmt hour I Applicant' not personally known to the Board must produt rermieate of good uioral uh racier N'o curtilicates renewed without examination Applicant' must deposit the necessary po'tage stamp or its equivalent in money with the exami ners to prepay postage on their returns othei ie no returns will be made By order of the Board PRICE Secretary Sept 23 isci jy ris who drives the city and seeing the package picked it up run along to the gentleman ami asked him if lie had lost any hmi iost in will hear from tne ebruary 4 1S7T ly io to I i a tid see the best Silk I gg 1 1 3 fl jp fl I.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.